Chapter 2

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"Maya Aura!"

I look down at my shoes, hardly daring to breathe.

"In your face!" someone shrieks, "Hard luck Maya, I hope you win...Not!"

Followed by some evil cackling.

I catch my eyes on Layla, my arch-enemy. Her red crimped hair bobbing up and down, blue eyes shining.

I give her my best 'you're dead meat' stare with my heads down.

She snorts and stage-whispers to her friend Mia, "She's SO pathetic, not to mention UGLY!" 


I mean I always thought I looked okay.

Well everyone says so anyway.

Besides, it's what comes out from the inside of you! 

Anyway, Mia nods vigorously flipping her blue dip-dyed hair out of her small mouth, as if she was sucking on a lemon.

I know every screen in the whole of Panem (I know, I always thought it sounded like a chicken tortilla wrap) will have my face on and face it (haha... ;p) who would sponsor a pathetic, worthless girl like moi?

So I raise my head, give a lazy smile and walk up with attempts of dignity, while a tangle of fear wraps my intestines, who doesn't feel like leaving the stomach.

On my way I spot Ariela in the 13 yr old section. Her face was covered by her bronze hair, her blue eyes closed, hands to her ears. I dont know how to say it but she's like Annie Cresta, a victor a few years ago.

Just as I approached Erza I managed to trip up which was embarrasing 'cause I let out a noise like:  YEOW. Now who would sponser me a loony girl from 4?


"Maya how do you feel about today?" Erza saked giving me a supposed smile

"Um..." Then I plastered a fake, plastic smile on my face, "Uhh, good...? Um, do my, um, District proud...?"

That was a mistake because now the Capitol freaks (and the rest of the Districts) can know how ugly my bite is and never sponsor me again.

Because I have mint green and pink flower 'UM, NO' braces. And translucent jelly-like mint green wires.

Ariela found it on an old website called tumblr and replicated it on my braces before I got them fixed.

Besides, do my District proud? I would probably bet against myself. Sword through my entrils. 

"Thats the spirit! Now for the boys."

She trots over in her chunky glass heels and picks a name.

"Kai Crossden!"

A 15 yr-old boy in the crowd looks surprised, but then he makes his way up.

He is a few inches taller than me, and I am rather petite.


As Erza drones on, subtling mentioning a lie about being engaged to Finnick Odair- who in actual fact likes Annie- I tune out.

I dream about the Capitol being a chicken tortilla wrap and how the Districts started craving chicken tortilla wraps so they started to plan a huge assasination for the huge wrap.

As usual, the Wrappians (the people who live on the wrap) decided that they're chicken wasn't cooked enough  so bit by bit they tore some off and baked it with vegetable oil.

with maya // hunger games [re-writing some chapters]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt