Chapter 4

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I roll over, half-asleep and drop to the ground. Once hearing the thud, my eyes open.

"Wake up!" Erza's voice called, "Be downstairs in 30 minutes!

I groan loudly I get up. I make my bed and pick up the training clothes. I hop in the shower, not yet awake. I use a grainy blueberry scrub and shower gel and manage to brush my teeth and what-not before they came hammering down my door with a giant mullet.

I sit down at my place and pick some food: simple glazed donuts, eggs, buttery toast, waffles, hot chocolate, this hibiscus berry juice thing and about a zillion other choices.

My plan is to stuff myself so if I lose weight, I'll lose the unnecessary fats and such.

Like, in the arena I'll probably starve and things- Actually no, takes too long to explain.

I don't see how that works but oh well. At least I have something nice to eat apart from seafood and coconuts. (Which I actually admit I miss)

I finish quickly, because I didn't really have much on my plate.

For some reason, I'm excited for training.

I yank Kai by his collar as soon as he sips the last of his nutmeg infused milk.

I skid down the hallways, Kai flying behind me.

As I turn a sharp corner, I nearly collide with Pecan- and she's the same size with me- loudly sipping her hot chocolate. 

"Sorry!" I yell behind me as I continue to run. She just laughs.

I see a bunch of the Careers still eating breakfast, goggling at me surprised by my speed.

Unfortunately, I needed a break by then, so I had to live through their laughter and taunts.

And Kai? I think I dropped  him... When I collided with Pecan.

"Hey Atala!" I yell as I arrive in the Training Center.

Atala is the head trainer for Training. 

"What are you doing so early, Why are you here?" she asks, momentarily looking up at me.

" 'Cause the voices told me." I reply spookily and do cartwheels around the Training Center, crashing into a tree they have for some reason.

"Nice." I can almost hear her smile, but when I look up, she is engaged in her clipboard.

Soon, after a few rounds of cartwheels, the other tributes start to leak in.

"Alright." calls Atala clearly as the last of the tributes walk in. 

A woman comes round and clips our district numbers on our sleeves.

The cold metal touched my arm, a cold sensation spreading through my body.

I start to have spasms.

"Weirdo." Catia mutters loudly, as the other Careers laugh unpleasantly, like hyenas.

"OK, everyone, be quiet now!" Atala announces, shooting a look at Catia which made her close her mouth. "This is Training, as you all know. This is valuable time. Very valuable. I assure you, the wisest thing to do is to cover up your weakness. Dust off any skills. At the beginning, your fate is likely in the hands of another tribute. As we get to the end, dehydration and hunger will get you. I would train in both areas, as not all the food is edible. Now one important rule. No fighting whatsoever in any time at all. You will only fight with our highly trained staff. No-one else. The weapons are rubber and you are being filmed. That's all."

with maya // hunger games [re-writing some chapters]Where stories live. Discover now