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*Later, at the Good Guys doll factory... * *Team RWBY investigates to see if they can find anything the criminal may have accidently left behind as clues* *They then find no clues, so they keep looking, after a cop showed them a sketch of the guy* *They then leave the factory* *Meanwhile, in the room of Team RWBY at Beacon Academy* *Neo sneaks into the room, and contacts Cinder through text, who is in the other room with Mercury and Emerald* Neo: *Texts to Cinder* "I'm in Team RWBY's room, and they're not in here." Cinder: *Checks her scroll, and sees the text* *Texts back* "Good, now, see what you can find." Neo: *Texts back* "Roger that." *Neo then puts her scroll away, as Cinder also puts her's away* *Neo then searches the room* *Neo then hears as if somebody was just running across the room, so she then turns around, but sees nothing, so she then turns back around, continuing her search* Neo: *Texts Torchwick* *Texts to Torchwick* "I have found nothing so far in Team RWBY's room, I'll need to keep looking." Torchwick: *Checks his scroll and sees the text* *Texts back* "Well, go ahead, keep looking. But you'll have to bail, soon, ok?" Neo: *Texts back* "Roger that." *They both then put their scrolls away* *Neo then continues her search* *During her search, she's shocked as she felt somebody's hand slap her butt* *She then quickly turns around, and is mad* *She sees nothing, so she then notices something crawling under one of the beds, so she then decides to look under the bed* The doll: "Hi, I'm Chucky, wanna play?" Neo: *Grabs the doll, and takes it out from under the bed, and looks at it* *She then sits the doll on the bed, and then continues her search* *She then hears running again, and looks and notices the doll is no longer on the bed* *She is then scared, and due to fear, she then backs away slowly* *After Neo's back touched the wall, the doll then ambushes Neo, and it turns out the doll was hiding on the shelf above Neo's head, and the doll then strangles Neo with a ten inch rope, and Neo is choking, fighting to get the doll off of her, so she could fight back* *Neo successfully gets the doll off of her, and she is heavily breathing* *Mercury then rushes in* Mercury: "Neo, are you alright?! We heard something going on in here!" *Neo then looks at Mercury, heavily breathing and constantly coughing, scared* Mercury: *Approaches Neo, worried* "Neo, what happened??" *Neo then crouches to find her parousel* *She is then stabbed in her back by the doll* *Mercury is then shocked, so he then runs, but is also killed* *After that, a picture is then sent to Torchwick and Cinder* *They both check their scrolls, and are shocked to see Neo and Mercury dead* Torchwick: "Neo!"

RWBY horror: Child's PlayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora