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*Hours later... * *Weiss is sitting in a jail cell, crying* Security gaurd: "Eh, shut up... " *Hits the the bars with the baton, and then walks away* *Meanwhile, at the Schnee palace* *Mr. Schnee is sitting on his couch as he enjoys a cup of tea as he watches the news* Lavender: "And in other news, Schnee Dust Company heiress has been arrested by Atlas personel due to having been involved in the murder of 17-year-old, Pyrrha Nikos." Mr. Schnee: *Shocked as he spits his tea out* "What?! My daughter murdered somebody?!" *Meanwhile... * *Ruby, Velvet, and Coco are in the Team RWBY dorm room talking about Weiss* Coco: "If she said that to Ms. Goodwitch with a straight face, then there's no way that she is even guilty!" Ruby: *Worried about Weiss* "Well, I just hope that there are witnesses... " *Looks out the window, worried* *The next day... * *Weiss has been put on trial for the "Murder" of Pyrrha Nikos* Judge: "We find the defendant... " *Says as he bangs his hammer* "Guilty. Ms. Schnee! I hereby sentence you to life in prison, on deathrow... 30 days until death!" Weiss: *Shocked* Winter: "Something tells me she's innocent... " Mr. Schnee: "She did do it." Winter: "But where was the evidence??" Mr. Schnee: "Whatever you say, Winter... " Winter: *Worried* *An hour later... * *Professor Ozpin is listening to the news on the radio, as he's sitting at his desk as he enjoys his coffee* Lavender: "And in other news, Weiss Schnee was found guilty and has been sentenced to life in prison, on deathrow." Ozpin: *Shocked as he spits his coffee out* "What?! Life in prison and on deathrow?!" *Says as he gets out of his chair* "I've got to warn the others!"

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