(3) Party Gone Wrong

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The next morning, I left Reese' place at 10 AM. Almost an hour later I was unlocking the door of my home. I almost had an heart attack. Trash and bottles laying everywhere, so were some other things. "What the?" I said as I carefully entered the house and closed the door. I put my bag down and carefully walked further into the house.

In the living room it looked even worse. Party goers were laying sleeping or passed out on the floor. I went further inside, then I saw Ryder laying there, passed out as well. I went over to him, kneed down and started shaking him a little until he finally woke up. He woke up slowly, but he was waking up. "What the hell happened here?!" I asked him already angry. I then saw a bottle laying near him, grabbed it and held it up. "Have you been drinking?!" I asked and he still looked confused. "What happened?!" I asked again. "I have no idea" He said still a little drunk.

"Ugh" I said, got up and started looking for my brother's. On the way I woke every strange party goers and told them to leave. Like an hour later I found all brother's and tried to wake them all, but they hit me softly, so I let them go and went back to Ryder, who was by now sitting on the couch holding his head. I got him a glass of water and an aspirin. "Thanks bae" He said and took the aspirin and drank something.

"Awe, you are so sweet!!" I said "Are you feeling better?" I asked him and he nod. "Good" I said and hit him with a pillow. "Au! What was that for?!" He asked. "You know what this was for!!" I told him, put the pillow down and went upstairs and into my room. I laid down in my bed.

Just a short time later Ryder came in. "I'm sorry Livey" He said and I looked away from where he was standing. "I don't even know what happened" He said and I turned to him. "You got drunk! My brother's got drunk!! Everyone got drunk!!" I almost yelled. It was loud, but I didn't yell. "We didn't buy alcohol!!" He said and I looked at him "And I'm supposed to believe you?" I asked with both eyebrows raised. "Dustin and Toby got the beverages and they would never buy alcohol, besides none of them 21!!" He said and there was some truth to that. They couldn't have gotten it. Besides, they hare that stuff just as much as I do.

"Who else was it?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'm just happy you weren't here. Who knows what could have happened when..." He said, but didn't continue talking. Just now it hit me. If I would have been there and drank something, my baby could be dead right now!!

The thought of that brought tears into my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry!" He said and put his arm around me "My head might be killing me right now, but the baby is totally fine" He said "You have seen a doctor right?" He asked and I shook my head no. "How am I supposed to do that without my mom noticing anything?" I asked and he thought "Do what you do best" He said. "And that would be?" I asked. "Lie" "I don't lie!" "Lie right there!" "Okay, maybe sometimes..." I confessed.

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