(34) Birthday Girl

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18. I'm 18. It's the age I am now. I'm an 18 year old teenager with an extraordinary life. I don't know many 18 year old, who are a mom and dating their stepbrother. Guess that makes me extraordinary.

Well, the party is thank god not pink, it has an pastel theme, because of my dress and I can't wait to see my brothers and Ryder all dressed up. I don't know why, but I think it will look hilarious. Also mom is on Promise duty, so I can celebrate my special day, without worrying about the little one. Even she is going to dress up. Well, Maia bought a dress she found cute and is going to make Prom wear it.

"Let's get it over with" I said and Ryder just looked at me "You're kidding, right? I would have killed to have a bigger birthday party" "College style or what?" "No, but I think to celebrate me turning 18, there should have been more people than me, my brothers, my dudes and my girlfriend" "Well, I might have been the only girl, but I didn't care. I love spending time with you and your birthday was perfect the way it was. I would have killed to have a get together like you as my birthday party. Just you, the Go Down Gang and my brothers. I would have loved that!!" I told him.

"Let's just go downstairs, before we kill each other" He suggested and I nod agreeing. He held out his arm and I hooked mine with his. Like this we went to the stairs and he lead me downstairs and onto the patio. Everyone was singing Happy Birthday (even Ryder). Short time later Maia and Reese stormed towards me and I could just free myself from Ryder in time, before both of them threw their arms around me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Both of them yelled into my ear. "Thanks girls" I said and let go of them. Then Fabian came with his matching outfit to Maia's dress and smiled at me. "Look at you" He said, sounding... proud. "Yep, that's what you are missing out on" I joked, which made him laugh. "Got something better" He said as he hugged me.

"I hope you mean it Fitzgerald! She's mine" Ryder said after Fabian let go of me and he put his arms around me. "We're home. Mom and Morgan are here" I reminded him. "But is it forbidden to joke around with your sister?" He asked. "but we are not joking around" "They don't know that, do they?" He replied with a smile "You're crazy!" I told him but I was sure he already knew that. Mostly because I have told him that many times before.   Later that party, I was just sitting around alone, while Reese was getting friendly with my relatives and Maia and Fabian were dancing, Ryder was helping Cris and Asher to decide which girl to ask for a dance.

If you are wondering why they are here, I allowed Ryder to invite them, so he won't be alone in the sea of Copeland's. There are quite a lot of us.

"Birthday girl" a familiar voice said. "Hurricane" I said and hugged her. "Don't call me that, in America people will think I'm weird" She told me and sat down on the chair next to me. "Fine... You ain't fun Canada" I told her.  Thing with my cousin and me, we always call each other nicknames.   "So baby mama, where's the baby" She asked. "With the grandma, meaning my mom" I told her. "Can I meet her?" She asked. "You know my mom" "I'm talking about Promise" She said. I'm just teasing her.  "Later, now you owe me a dance" I said and got up. "Why?" She asked. "For being on tour when I was in Canada!"

"Well, fine... Let's dance, Dancing Queen" She said and lead me to the dance floor. "Let's get dancing!" She said and started dancing and I danced along. "Hey girls" Ryder said, standing there watching us. "Hey" I said and stopped dancing "You remember the cousin I told you about?" I asked and he nod "Canadian Hurricane, yeah I do. Yet I don't believe it" "Hi, I'm Neva Hudson. Her cousin from Canada. The ice skating one" "Canadian Hurricane?" He asked, confused, but still not believing it. "Google it, if you don't believe me. Google Neva Hudson" She told him and he took out his phone and googled the name, with pictures of her popping up.

"How many relatives do you have?" He asked confused. "I told you, I have a lot! Not my fault if you won't believe me" I said and went to continue dancing with Neva, while Ryder was still totally confused.

Later that they, Ryder and I were alone at the swimming pool, laying together, keeping some distance from the rest of the party. I do love spending time with my family, but some alone time with my boyfriend is pretty nice too.

"Still can't believe you have a cousin, who is a celebrity somewhere else" He said and I only had to smile at that. "Well, maybe you will believe me in the future now" I said and laughed "What's so funny?" I asked confused. "You are still the liar I fell in love with" She said and kissed my temple. "I'm only lying to protect the people I love, including you!" "Believe me. Someday it will blow up in your face"

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