(7) Check Up

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During a pregnancy it's important to get checked out by the doctor now and then, well at least that's what I heard. So right now I was sitting in the waiting room of the gynecologist. Of course baby daddy Ryder was with me.

"Copeland" The doctor's assistant said and I nod and got up. I looked at her. She was blonde and a bit shorter than me. She looked like she was in her early twenties, but she could also pass as a teenager. Her name tag said J. Miller. Ryder and I went into the doctors room and she did another ultrasound. Ryder couldn't take his eyes of the monitor. "You are the father?" She asked and without thinking he nod yes. Gladly the doctor doesn't know that he is my stepbrother and gladly she isn't allowed to tell anything, thanks to secrecy.

"Do you wanna know the gender?" She asked and Ryder and I looked at each other and both nod.

Back at home Ryder and I had trouble to keep our happiness on the inside. It was really heard. "What's wrong with you smiley faces?" Andy asked and looked suspicious at us. "I'm just happy right now and absolutely nothing can bring me down" I said, sat down on the couch and took a blanket and covered my belly. "Something's really wrong with the two of you" He said and I rolled my eyes, while Ryder hurried upstairs.

Andy sat down beside me and kept looking at me. "What now?" I asked him annoyed. "I hope that little stunt you pulled with Ryder is just it, a stunt. Nothing more" He warned me. "Don't worry buddy, Ryder and I are just getting along. What mom and Morgan always wanted. Me and him being friends, so the family can live peaceful" I explained. "I hope so! Because if you act suspicious, I'm gonna tell Kathy and dad" He threatened. "There is nothing to tell them because nothing happened!" I told him.

Yeah, nothing happened I'm just pregnant with his baby and he happened to be my boyfriend as well. Everything is just fine. Of course I didn't say that out loud. How stupid would it have been if I did say that out loud.

"Fine, then I'll believe you. It's not easy but I trust you" He said and left. I sighed, then got up and went into my room upstairs. I grabbed my phone and texted Ryder that we had to be much more careful while Andy was home. He agreed.

I sighed and put my phone away. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't date my stepbrother. If mom and Morgan wouldn't be married, I wouldn't date my stepbrother. But also I wouldn't be dating him at all. I would have hated him, if he wouldn't be my stepbrother. I wouldn't even have met my jerk of an ex.

Later I decided to go and visit Reese, who happened to hang out with Maia today. "Hey guys" I said and entered the room. "Hey there" She said and I sat down between them. By the way, Maia knows too that I'm pregnant. I told her 2 weeks ago. She was mad at first, but then she understood that the less people know, the saver it is.

"I wanna do something" I said and looked from my right to my left, then back to my right. "You are telling us that you are bored?" Maia asked and I nod. "I can go and find you a book" Reese suggested, but I shook my head no "How about a TV marathon? We can watch all seasons of that show you two love so much" I suggested. "You mean The Vampire Diaries?" Maia asked and I looked at her "What is The Vampire Diaries?" I asked her. "It's about a human girl falling for a vampire and finding out about the supernatural world, but then she is attracted to his brother as well" Reese explained. "Isn't that Twilight?" I asked them "I would hit you if you weren't pregnant!!" Reese told me with no facial expression.

"You do know that Vampire Diaries is much older than Twilight, right? It's older than you" Reese told me and I looked at her. "Do I really look like I am understanding what you are saying?" I asked and she looked at me "How about we just watch another show?" Maia suggested "And how about Love Will Tell Us Where To Go?" Reese asked. I rolled my eyes at her "A TV show about a teenager, that got knocked up? Are you kidding me? Or are you telling me that one of you is pregnant too?" I asked with an raised eyebrow.

"No other pregnant woman in the house" Reese told me. "What about Do's and Don'ts of a High School Student?" Maia asked. "Again a teen plot TV show? How about we just watch Victoria. You love that show right?" I asked and both of them nod. So we agreed on this.

Victoria was about a 16 year old girl that goes through life with problems and set backs. A teenage girl that has a boyfriend, she can't stand and a boy crushing on her, who was a player. Last part sound familiar?

Well, guess my life could be made into a TV show or a book.

"So you mentioned earlier today, that you were at the doctors?" Reese asked and I nod "I know the gender of the baby" I told them and they almost freaked, I haven't even told them. "What's it gonna be?" Reese asked and I took a deep breath.

"It's a..."


What do you think she's having?

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