VI. Feelings

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*Obi-Wan's POV*

It was getting dark. After some hours talking with Aure, night was coming and I had not even realized how time had passed. I really enjoyed her company and honestly, I could keep talking with her until I fell asleep.

During those few hours, I got to know her better and found out that she was a very strong girl who would give her life her home planet. She loved Naboo and she missed it so much. There was something about her that made me feel better, happier. There was a weird feeling in my stomach every time she smiled, or when she touched my shoulder while she laughed bringing her head back, or when she blushed after saying something embarrassing... Actually, every little thing she did made me feel that way.

While she talked about the night they almost caught Padmé sneaking into her bedroom to talk with her, I started to think about this feeling she managed to wake inside of me. My mind worked on different options of what was happening to me, but everything led to the same conclusion. Was I falling in love? It couldn't be! We had known each other for only a few days. Besides, the Jedi Code makes clear that these feelings aren't allowed.

I must have had a very thoughtful expression while trying to understand my own feelings, because Aure stopped talking, touched my shoulder and asked me "Is everything alright, Obi-Wan?" Oh, the way she said my name!

"Y-Yes..." I managed to say in barely a whisper, I doubted she heard it.

"You look tired," she whispered while lowering her hand from my shoulder along my arm; suddenly, it was difficult to breath. I looked into her eyes and she looked back. Brown eyes, the most beautiful colour in the galaxy.

I gulped and answered "I have a lot to think about."

"I am sure about that," she said smiling kindly. White teeth, as bright as a star. "You should go to sleep, it's late." She stood up and held out her hand to help me stand up as well. I took her hand, but I did not let it go after standing. Soft skin. Pale and comfortably cold skin. We stood in front of each other, hand in hand, holding each other's gazes. After some seconds that I wish had been longer, she let go of my hand, looked down and blushed. Did I make her feel uncomfortable? She ran her fingers through her hair, which she had set free from her braid while we talked. Black, long, wavy hair that looked as soft as her skin. She looked up at me again; she was shorter than me, I noticed.

"I am going to sleep and you will do the same," she said waving her hand in front of my face, pretending to do the Jedi mind trick and trying not to smile.

I laughed and repeated jokingly "You are going to sleep and I will do the same." She finally released the smile that she was holding back and my heart skipped a beat or two.

"Good night, Aure," I told her softly, then I turned around and left her. I needed to think. What I was feeling was normal, but I couldn't act on these feelings.

'Attachment is forbidden', I kept whispering to myself once I was laying on the bed, until I fell asleep with the image of the beautiful captain in my mind.

*Aure's POV*

For a second or two, when Obi-Wan held my hand and looked into my eyes with his bright blue ones, I thought that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way I did. That thought disappeared as soon as I remembered that he was a Jedi. He could never love me in return; so I let go of his hand, although I didn't really want to, and looked away before doing or saying anything stupid.

I had to accept the fact that he could not feel that way, I had to stay away from him before those feelings grew stronger, I had to convince myself that this was just a silly crush on a good-looking man before everything turned into something deeper.

I kept thinking to myself 'It's just a crush, he will not ever love you', hoping that these feelings would disappear, minutes before I fell asleep thinking about him.

Attachment Is Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now