And She Returns

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Mira's POV

Sunday Morning

I woke up groggily, my eyelids drooping. I turned my head and gazed at the bedside table clock. The neon green numbers read 3:28.

I sighed and slipped out of the thin blankets on my four-poster bed. I yawned as I walked over to the large window to grab a glass of water. I poured a little bit of water out of the jug and into a small glass. I gazed up towards the clear, black-purple sky. The golden stars twinkled brightly, and I smiled.

Once I'd finished drinking my water, I placed the glass down. I yawned again and sat on my bed. Instead of falling asleep, I grabbed a dusty photo album from under my bed. I stroked my hand across the cover, making a clean stripe on it.

I opened it up, and gazed at the first picture. It was a picture of my parents and myself on a beach. Another little girl was beside me, clutching my hand. I smiled, but then it broke. My hands shook and the album fell on the ground with an audible clunk.

"Where are you?"

April's POV

 I woke up early, at four o'clock to be exact. I looked at Draco, and smiled. He grunted, and turned so his back was facing me. I slipped out of bed and left the room. I had to start avoiding Draco until our wedding that evening. I put on warmer clothes and went downstairs quietly.

I tip toed towards the kitchen and saw a dark shape sitting at the table. I walked over and saw Narcissa scratching at the table, almost nervously.

"Hello, Narcissa." I whispered. Her head perked up, and she smiled slightly. I sat down on one of the chairs next to her. Her facial expression changed, into a sort-of 'sorry' look. Narcissa placed both her hands on one of mine and looked me in the eyes.

"I feel so...bad for taking you away from your home." My expression changed, and my eyebrows raised.

"My... home?" I looked down at Narcissa's hands.

"Hogwarts. And your friend, Mira." I gazed back up at her and smiled.

"I better get her for the wedding. And it would be easier because Draco won't see me.." I gave her a small hint.

Narcissa still smiled sadly, "go for it."

Mira's POV

After I had a shower and got dressed, I trodded around the grounds, twirling my wand between my fingers. I smiled when I saw Hermione walking passed with a few books, not as many as her usual tower, however.

"Good Morning, Mira." She greeted as we passed.

"Morning." I replied, continuing to twirl my wand.

I whistled for a while and made my way towards the library. I fell into an available cushioned chair and grabbed a Herbology book. I turned the pages quickly, not actually reading the book. I felt so distracted today.

"Hey, Mira."

I looked up and saw Neville coming over. "Hey."

He kissed the top of my head and sat down.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, sliding the book to the side of me.

"Getting better." He replied. I put my wand in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out and set it on the table.

"Oh. Here, read this." I handed Neville the wedding invite and I watched him as he read it quickly.

"Today?" His eyes widened. So did mine.

"What?!" I cried, snatching it from his grasps. My eyes darted over the parchment before I stood up. And then I ran

"Let's go!" I called from behind me.

"Go where?" He asked he caught up to me.

"Well. I need to get a dress from somewhere."

Neville nodded understandably.

"I'll see you later." He kissed me on the lips and walked quickly towards the Gryffindor Tower. I whispered the Ascendio spell and landed in front of the door. I answered the riddle and sprinted upstairs.

"I was waiting for you." I heard once I'd reached my room. I looked up, and saw a familiar face.


April's POV

I was leaning against my old bed, waiting for Mira to arrive.

Once she had, I heard her yell my name before running up to me. I hugged her tightly.

"I'm here to buy you a dress for my wedding."

Mira let me go and glared at me.

"Buy a dress? I better ask McGonagall..." Mira looked down, uncertain.

"No you don't. We're going now," I told her with a mishevious smile.

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