Starbound Paws: Chapter 7

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Wind rustled the tree-tops above the clearing gently, the branches quivering but the leaves staying firmly attached. Skunkpaw could see the faint outline of a birds nest from where she sat in the clearing, but it looked like it had been abandoned long ago. Shaking the thought from her head, she returned to her meal. The small pigeon lay beneath her chin, the feathers parted carefully to reveal the tender flesh.

Her mouth watered profusely, but she had promised Whitepaw that she would share it with him. His golden pelt appeared from the apprentice den, his paws traveling swiftly over the ground as he approached. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he mewed apologetically. "Lightpaw had a thorn stuck..." he cleared his throat, "let's just eat!" Wondering where exactly Lightpaw had a thorn stuck, Skunkpaw took a large bite from the pigeon's belly. The delicious flesh melted against her tongue, and she could feel her stomach beginning to calm with each bite.

Across the clearing, Skunkpaw could see Spottedpaw sitting next to the medicine den alone, a single mouse at her paws. Badgerpaw sat close by, throwing tentative looks in Spottedpaw's direction. If Spottedpaw had noticed, she gave no indication, settling down and digging into the plump mouse. Sighing to herself, Skunkpaw couldn't help but feel sorry for her brother. It had been two moons since their misadventure to the bush beside the Earthclan border, but Spottedpaw still hadn't forgiven him.

"That was delicious," Whitepaw's mew surprised her, her ears shooting up in alarm. "Woah, what did I say?"

"N-nothing, I was just... lost in thought," he followed Skunkpaw's gaze, his golden gaze landing on Badgerpaw.

"He'll be fine," Whitepaw comforted, "Spottedpaw has to forgive him eventually."

"I hope so," she sighed, giving her paws a couple of drowsy licks. "I hate seeing him so sad," Whitepaw nodded, reaching over and giving Skunkpaw a light lick on her forehead. Feeling calmed by his presence, Skunkpaw let her body relax beneath his gentle motions, giving a weak purr as she dozed off.


"What is she doing here?" A growl pierced the heavy mist of sleep that had surrounded Skunkpaw. "We didn't invite her!" The voice spat angrily.

"Calm down, Patcheye," a gentle voice mewed. A nose nudged Skunkpaw's ear, but she was too terrified to open her eyes. I don't recognize these voices; her fur was heavy with dread. "Come now, you're with friends," the voice comforted. As if on command, her eyes opened, spotting a jet-black tom staring her down, a small gray patch of fur surrounding his right eye.

"Why have you come here?" Patcheye demanded, his pelt bristling with rage, "what right do you have to invade Starclan hunting grounds?!"

"Starclan..? Invade?! No," she stood, her ears flattening against her head. "I-I didn't invade anything! I'm just an apprentice!"

"Patcheye," the she-cat beside him mewed. The sleek tortoiseshell's pelt glowed in the moonlight, and her dark green eyes burned with authority. Turning back towards Skunkpaw, her eyes softened, "we did not summon you here, Skunkpaw. You came of your own free will," she explained, "what is it you seek?"

"I didn't... I don't know how I got here," Skunkpaw felt her body quivering in fear. "I didn't mean to invade your hunting grounds, you have to believe me!"

"I do believe you," the tortoiseshell mewed quietly, "but no cat has ever entered our grounds without an invitation." Eyes narrowed, the cat looked Skunkpaw over. "Is there something that is troubling you?" The she-cat asked, sitting down in front of Skunkpaw and wrapping her tail around her paws. Suddenly, her ears flattened, a low growl escaping her throat. Skunkpaw froze, following the tortoiseshell's gaze.

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