Starbound Paws: Chapter 10

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Skunkpaw awoke to the sound of her brother snoring, the intense training sessions Coalfur had put him through the past couple of days wearing him to the bone. He had talked until she fell asleep about how excited he was to learn new things, despite the ache in his legs and the pain in his paws. 

Skunkpaw had finally begun training with Smokestar, who was relentless. He pushed her each session, and she wasn't allowed to go back to the camp until she was sore all over. Groaning aloud, Skunkpaw struggled to her paws, barely resisting the urge to go to Heatherheart about a 'bellyache' to see if she'd give her catmint. 

She padded forward, pushing aside the fronds and into the clearing. Heatherheart and Mudfur were eating a small pigeon beside the medicine den, their heads bowed as if they were having a hushed discussion. Glancing towards the nursery, Skunkpaw noticed Whitebelly and Lightfoot talking loudly with their mother, Sunpelt.

Sunpelts' belly had grown rapidly the past moon, and Heatherheart talked endlessly about it being a sign of a large litter. Skunkpaw couldn't help but feel overjoyed at the thought of more paws in the clan. The clearing had been deathly silent since her and Badgerpaw had become apprentices.

"Skunkpaw?" Smokestars' surprised mew sounded beside her. "Did you forget we're not training today?"

"Ah, no," Skunkpaw shuffled her paws against the dirt. "I was going to see if anyone needs a paw with anything," she admitted. Smokestar looked impressed, nodding his head towards the nursery.

"Sunpelt was hoping to get more feathers for her nest," he mewed. "I'm sure she'd appreciate the help." Skunkpaw twitched her tail in annoyance. I was hoping to help patrol, she thought sourly. "Don't forget we're short on apprentices," he reminded her gently. "Every little bit helps, so just try to sound happy about helping."

"Right," she sighed. He must be psychic, she mused, taking his advice to heart. Giving her chest fur a quick lick to soothe the ruffled fur, she padded over to where Lightfoot, Whitebelly and Sunpelt sat. Whitebelly looked over as she approached, his tail shooting up into the air.

"Hey, Skunkpaw," he greeted her, rising to his paws to touch noses. "What brings you over here?"

"Smokestar told me Sunpelt might want more feathers," Skunkpaw looked to Sunpelt. "Do you want a certain type?" She inquired, noticing Whitebellys' tail droop slightly as she avoided his nose.

"Any type is fine..." Sunpelt mewed hesitantly, looking towards the fern covered nursery entrance. "But if you don't mind, blackbird feathers are always the softest." Of course, Skunkpaw sighed inwardly, blackbirds are the hardest to catch!

"I'll see if I can find any," Skunkpaw gave Sunpelt a small nod before backing away. Lightfoot had been suspiciously quiet during the entire encounter, barely acknowledging that Skunkpaw was there. Not my problem, Skunkpaw shrugged. Padding towards the kill pile, Skunkpaw gave it a sniff, not scenting a blackbird among the carcasses.

"It's getting too close to leaf-bare to be picky about your food," a voice growled behind her. Whipping around, she found herself muzzle-to-muzzle with Tigerjaws' large frame.

"I-I'm not being picky," she defended quickly. "I was looking for a blackbird – for its feathers!"

"Uh-huh," Tigerjaw padded around her, giving the pile a sniff as well. "Is Sunpelt looking for more feathers already?" There was a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"Yes, and I was hoping there'd be one here," Skunkpaw explained.

"No such luck," he mewed, sitting back on his hind-legs. "No patrols have brought back a blackbird for at least a moon now; it's getting too cold for them here." Skunkpaw stepped back, considering her options. "We better go find one," Tigerjaw mewed, his piercing amber eyes on Skunkpaw. "You don't say no to a queen," he elaborated, jerking his head towards the camp entrance. "Besides, you're free of training today," Skunkpaw groaned loudly. "This'll help keep your claws sharp."

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