Chapter 8

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A week had gone by and Zac had just gotten to the airport with his brothers. They had flown into Los Angeles from Oklahoma to work with another songwriter on some stuff, and their wives had stayed back with the kids. They had made some plans to get together and do some girl related stuff while the boys were gone.

They walked off the plane, and Zac had to step off to the side to better get a grip of his suitcase, as it nearly fell from his hand. Taylor and Isaac didn't realize he wasn't directly behind them and kept on walking. When he looked up and didn't see them, he looked around nervously as he saw some girls staring at him. He knew they recognized him and were going to start swarming around him any minute for an autograph. He couldn't see them through the crowd of people coming off the same flight as them. Calling out for his brothers, neither one of them heard him over the loud speakers and they kept on walking. After a moment, he finally just started to follow the signs that led to the baggage area, hoping he would find them there by the front doors.

Someone literally bumped into him soon after he began following the signs, and he fell over.

" I am so sorry. My son decided to take off from me, and..." She helped him to his feet, and stopped mid sentence when she recognized who he was.

He stared back at her in surprise. Looking right at him was Miranda, and not far behind her was Kaitlyn. She had just taken a little boy into her arms, and when she looked his way, he felt like he could hardly breathe. Still after five years had passed was she as beautiful as ever. It was more than he could handle to see her there.

Miranda looked from him to her sister, who stood there as if frozen. Kaitlyn couldn't even speak, she was so shocked. And it seemed as if Zac wasn't going to speak up either. " Alright. I know you two are surprised to see each other, but this is insane. The silence is too much." She finally spoke up herself.

Zac looked from Kaitlyn to her, and finally found his voice. " What... what are you two doing here?" He asked.

" Being on the road with you and your brothers five years ago made me realize how much I still wanted to be a singer. I had wanted it is a kid and had been heading down that road when I got distracted." She explained. " Anyway, I've been writing music again and singing in clubs the

last few years, and I finally got noticed. I got a contract and am to start recording as soon as tomorrow."

He smiled at her, and was about to say something when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Taylor and Isaac behind him. " Let's go, Zac. We're running late as it is." Isaac told him.

" Yeah. Sorry. I just... ran into old friends here." He pointed in the direction of Miranda and Kaitlyn.

Taylor looked in their direction and smiled. " Hey, what brings you here?" He asked.

" Miranda was just telling me she got a record deal." Zac said, with a smile on his face. He gave Miranda a hug. " Congratulations by the way."

" Thank you." She smiled back. " It feels good to finally be following my dreams."

Isaac hugged and congratulated her as well. " Listen, we definately need to catch up. But right now we are running behind as it is." He wrote down his number and gave it to her. " Give me a call later."

Miranda nodded, and getting a hug from Taylor as well, she gave him a smile. " We'll see you guy's around."

Zac grabbed his suitcase and followed his brother's out of the airport, still in shock from seeing Kaitlyn.



Kaitlyn followed her sister out of the airport, holding Brett in her arms. She didn't want him to get away from them again, so now poor Miranda had her hand full of suitcases. The only thing she had was her carry on bag and her purse. She was still in shock from running into Zac. He had looked so good wearing a turquoise slim fit jersey and a pair of blue loose fitting jeans. She daydreamed about feeling those lips on her's again, and him telling her that he wanted her more than anything.

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