Chapter 10

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Later that evening, Miranda brought back some food for her and Kaitlyn from Boston Market. She had gotten a chicken pot pie for herself, and a fourth of a rack of ribs for Kaitlyn. Then she had gotten an order of mac and cheese for Brett.

Kaitlyn set up the table as her sister served the food. "How was your first day in the studio?" She asked.

" It went well actually. We got a couple tracks laid down anyway, and have started to work on an idea I had for another song." She threw the now empty bag of food away. " But I want to hear about your day. Well, mostly about your night last night with Taylor. What happened, Kaitlyn?" She sat down at the table.

" Do we have to talk about this with Brett right here? Or even at all?" Kaitlyn asked, grabbing a bottle of root beer from the fridge. She sat down and began eating.

" Kaitlyn, you have been crushing on Zac since before you even met him. Then you happen to meet him and some sort of relationship starts. Now you... you sleep with Taylor. None of this makes any sense."

" I was lonely, Miranda. He was lonely. That is all. End of story." She took a bite of her ribs.

" Not end of story. Kaitlyn, he is married! Just like Zac, he is..."

" Actually, Natalie handed him divorce papers a few days ago. She met someone else." She interrupted her. " So he did nothing wrong. I'm the cheater. I... I have to tell Troy what I did."

Miranda nodded. " Yes, you do. Because your heart is not in it obviously, Kaitlyn."

She frowned. " I am such a moron. He is such a great guy, and I've... I've ruined whatever relationship me and him had."

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Miranda got out of her seat, and opened it to see Zac. He stood there with a bottle of beer in his hands. He looked like he was drunk. " What the hell happened to you?"

" I overheard Tay and Ike talking earlier. I... can I... talk to Kaitlyn? I have something I need to say to her." Zac asked, taking a swig of his beer.

" No, not like this you may not. You need to sober up first." She left the room, and closed the door behind her. " Come on. I'm taking you back to your room." Miranda led the way back to his room.

Zac leaned on her, barely able to walk. He nearly stumbled over his feet a few times. " I can't believe my own brother could do this to me. Or that... that she she could..."

" Zac, you are married! Get it through that thick skull of your's! You can't have my sister." She exclaimed. "I'm sorry your upset, but there is nothing you can do about any of it. Taylor is free to do whatever he wants, you are not."

He fumbled through his pockets for his hotel card key, but couldn't get to it. Finally she had to reach in and grab it for him. He felt himself blush when she reached into his pocket. " Not with her. She is..."

" Off limits to you, Zac. Now get in there." She interrupted him, using the card key to get in and opening up the door.

He finally tripped over his feet, and landed at the foot of the bed. He struggled to pull himself back up, and she had to help him off the floor.

Seeing tears in his eyes, Miranda felt kind of bad for him. Helping him onto the bed, she gave him a hug. " I get it. I know it hurts that your own brother slept with your crush. To be honest, it... it hurts me a little too. I like Taylor. He is very sweet, funny, kind, sensitive, and cute."

" So you have have a thing for Tay?" He asked, taking another swig of his beer, which he had been lucky enough not to spill when he had fallen.

She took the beer from him and took a sip. " Yes. But he obviously only see's me as a friend. I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it. Just like you can't do anything about you and Kaitlyn."

" The situations are different and you know it. You don't know for sure that he only see's you as a friend. Try asking him out." He took the beer back and finished it off.

" You just think that would help get him away from Kaitlyn. That is the only reason for your interest in me possibly dating him."

" And your point to that is?"? He threw the empty bottle of beer towards the garbage can, but missed.

" You are married! Stop thinking about my sister and think about your wife." She stood up, and sat the card key on the nightstand. " Now sleep this off. Goodnight."

She walked out of the room and went back to her own. Kaitlyn asked about her conversation with Zac. Not bothering to answer, she finished her dinner and got Brett to eat his.



The next morning, Kailtyn woke up to a nice surprise. Miranda had already gotten up and left for the studio, which she was glad of. She wasn't up for another confrontation about what had happened between her and Taylor. The best part of her morning wasn't that though. Sitting on the edge of the bed was Taylor himself. Smiling up at him, she sat up. " What are you doing in here?"

" Well, I have some time before I head into the studio, so I thought I would invite you to join me for breakfast." He smiled back, rubbing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

She nodded to say yes. Noticing a bruise on that beautiful face of his though, her smile faded." What happened?"

" Ike was lecturing me the other night, and... Zac overheard. He went nuts and kind of threw a couple punches at me." Taylor told her. " It hurts a little, but I am fine."

" Unbelievable! I... I need to have a talk with him." She jumped out of bed, not caring that she was naked. " He has no right to do that to you."

Before she could reach for a shirt from her suitcase, Taylor grabbed her wrist. " Kaitlyn, I slept with you. The girl he was crushing on. I deserved it."

" No, you didn't." We are going to have some breakfast, and then I will find him and give him a piece of my mind, if you like it or not."

Taylor sighed, but gave her a little smile. He looked her up and down, then settled his eyes on her perky breasts. It was hard for him to not notice just how beautiful she was. " I... I guess... I can't stop you."

She smiled, and blushed a little as he looked her over. "No. You... you can't." Sitting on the edge of the bed, she kissed him on the cheek. " Do you like what you see?" She teasingly asked.

Now it was his turn to blush. " You are beautiful, Kaitlyn. Both on the inside and... on the outside."

" We could have ourselves a little breakfast in bed, and... enjoy ourselves a little if you catch my drift." She ran her fingers through his hair. " Screw Zac. He's married, and we are adults. We deserve to have a little fun."

Taylor's smile grew bigger. " I... I actually love that idea. But are you sure it is what you want?"

To answer his question, she kissed him gently on the lips. He kissed her back, and lowered his hands to her hips. She moaned his he moved his lips to her neck and gently began to nibble. Unbuttoning his shirt, she ran her hands up and down his chest. Before things could get any better between them though, they heard a pounding of fists on her door. " Let me in, Kaitlyn.We have to talk!"

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