Chapter 16

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About a week went by, and Kaitlyn had gotten up early this morning to say bye to Taylor. Him and his brothers were going back to Oklahoma to finish off their recording process back home. Miranda had already left for the studio and had says her goodbye to the guys.

Nikki had left only a couple of days ago, promising to keep her mouth shut for now about everything that had happened. But she swore to Zac that he only had so much time to tell his wife about cheating on her, or she would tell Kate herself. She wasn't happy about keeping quiet at all.

" I'm going to miss you, Kaitlyn. It's been great spending more time with you." Taylor smiled at her, giving her a hug and kissing her softly on the lips.

She kissed him back. " I've had a great time with you, Taylor. Call me or text me whenever you can."

Zac stood by, watching the two say goodbye. It pained him to see how much she now cared for Taylor, but he knew he couldn't say or do anything to change what was taking place. He had a wife and three kids to take care of, that he couldn't stand the thought of losing. Looking at her sadly, he waited his turn to at least give her a quick hug goodbye.

Pulling out of Taylor's embrace, Kaitlyn moved onto Isaac and gave him a little hug. " Take care of yourself, Nikki, and the kids."

" Always. And you take care of yourself, Kaitlyn. Let Miranda know if you need a break from babysitting for a day or so. You deserve a day off from that once in awhile." Isaac gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

" I will." She smiled at him, and looked from him to Zac. Noticing how sad he looked, she wasn't really sure how to act around him. She just stood in front of him quietly.

Zac gave her a little smile. " I guess I will see you around, Kaitlyn."

She nodded. " You... I hope that... you'll go home and be happy to still have Kate in your life, Zac. She loves you so much."

Zac reached out to give her a hug, but she stood still in her spot. A little disappointed that she wouldn't even take a hug from him, he had to hold back the tears that threatened to come. " Bye Kaitlyn.l I hope you'll allow me to actually be a friend to you one day." With that said, he walked away and let the tears fall.

Kaitlyn just shook her head at him as he walked out the hotel door. " Tell him..."

" Whatever you have to say to him, can be directed to him. Send him a text later or something. I'm not giving him a message for you." Isaac snapped at her, and walked out himself. The last thing he wanted was to get back into the middle of things.

Taylor gave her another hug. " Give Zac a chance, Kaitlyn. Don't shut him down entirely. Just give him some time, and try to be his friend. He is trying to let things be what they are. He really is."

With another nod, she hugged him back. " I know. But he needs to get a grip before I can give him any sort of chance, Taylor. I mean, you may have forgiven him for beating the crap out of you, but I haven't. What he did was wrong on so many levels."

" I agree." Taylor kissed her. " I better go. Get Brett back to bed. It is far too early for him to be up." He smiled, and headed out the door.

With tears in her eyes, she watched the guy's get into their rental car and take off. Then she did as Taylor suggested, and got Brett back into bed. She poured herself a cup of coffee, and took out one of her favorite books to read. Reading a few pages of it, she dozed back off to sleep herself.



When Zac walked inside the door a few hours later, he got quite a surprise. He had planned to tell Kate everything right away, but unfortunately someone had beat him to it from the looks of things. Sitting in the living room with his wife was Britney. While she had a smile on her face, Kate had a frown on her's. Both looked his way.

Setting his stuff down, he looked his wife in the eyes and saw the tears. " Kate, before you say anything you have to let me..."

" I don't have anything to say to you, Zac. You've done more than enough damage." She got up from her seat, and walking over to him, she gave him a good slap to the face. " I thought we were better, that you truly loved me and that you were over the whole Kaitlyn thing."

Zac looked at her in surprise. She had never hit him like that before. " Kate, I do love you. More than..."

" Then why would you sleep with Kaitlyn's sister? Why?" She interrupted him again, tears flowing down her cheeks. " Because you couldn't have Kaitlyn?"

" Kate, I am so sorry. What I did was a huge mistake. I know that, and I totally regret it."

" The only thing you regret is that you got caught." Kate walked out of the room, and stormed up the stairs. " Don't even follow me. I am packing up and leaving."

Zac angrily turned to Britney. " You are so lucky that I don't hit women, Britney. Now get the hell out of my house and stay away from me and my wife." He snapped at her.

" I was only doing the right thing, unlike you. You are such an ass, and a bastard all rolled into one. You should have told her right away." Britney got up from her seat, still smiling.

" Say goodbye to your little family." She walked out of the house, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Zac slammed his fist into the wall, making a big hole. He was pissed. It's not as if he wasn't going to tell Kate what happened. But Britney had ruined it for him. Now he was losing the best part of him . His kids were pretty much out the door already, and he didn't know what he would do without them.

He ran up the stairs to see Kate come rushing out of the kids room with two suitcases of stuff. " Please don't do this, Kate. Don't take my kids away from me, from the only home they have ever known. I will do anything if you just..."

" Forget it, Zac. I can't stay if you can't remain faithful to me. And the kids are not saying with you. They are coming with me."

He tried to block her way out, but she was pretty angry right now. To get in her way was the wrong move for him to make. She shoved him off to the side, and rushed down the stairs.

" Kate, I know I screwed up. But you can't do this to me. They are my kids too, and they belong here with me... with us. Don't leave. We can work this out. I know we can." He followed her down the stairs. "Please stay."

" I"m not staying with you, Zac. Your a liar and a cheat." Without looking back, she told the kids to follow her and walked out the door with them. " Don't bother to come looking for us." Slamming the door behind her, she left.

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