Chapter 4

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Thank you all for your lovely advice, but it's not that the ideas are similar. Apparently they are almost exactly the same. One person asked me if I literally just copied straight from the book.

Also everyone is telling me to go back through and change the things that are similar. I would do that that but that would mean rewriting or starting the book over because it would make the plot different.

I will continue this book, though. I am happy that you all love the book that I nearly worked my hardest on so far.

And I just realized how terrible I would be to nearly stop the book at a cliffhanger. I couldn't do that to you all.

Here is the long lasted chapter that I may not have deleted in my fear of this book getting deleted... Enjoy!

I ran. It was either fight or flight and at this moment... I was to weak to fight.

So I ran.
But I wasn't stupid.
I didn't run in spite of cowardliness.      

As I ran off in the opposite direction, I hurriedly searched for the thing I needed to carry out my plan.

I knew the she-wolf wasn't going to directly hurt my poor human herself but wait until the whole packs arrives. I also knew she recognized his scent from years ago and she wasn't one to let go of a grudge, which is another reason she couldn't stand me.

Suddenly, I skidded to a halt nearly running straight into the thing I needed. An ailing tree.

And to my relief, it wasn't too far away so it would be even more beneficial.

I grab the lowest branch tightly in my jaws and pulled with all the strength I could muster in my weak state. A large crack echoed throughout the trees successfully creating a sound that every wolf feared.

A gunshot.

Every creature silenced in the area, leaving nothing but dead silence.

-------- Unknown Time Skip --------

Louis was so cold. He felt the shivers travel down his spine, but at the same time, he was numb. He couldn't feel anything. He almost felt like he was floating. It felt peaceful and comforting having rid of the feeling of pain, hunger, and exhaustion that had been dragging him down a minute ago. At least he thinks is was a minute ago. He couldn't tell at the stage he is currently in. He wasn't sleeping... But he wasn't awake either. It was as if he was in an endless void where he was trapped... Trapped in his head with only his conscious keeping him company.

Suddenly, he felt something shift next to him, disturbing his rest. He felt a weight lay next to him and immediately felt warmth on that side. Subconsciously, he leaned toward it, slightly curling inward in the process. The warmth was a nice contrast compared to the freezing air a few seconds ago. But of course with all the movement and continuous shifting of the warmth next to him, he was slowly being brought back to reality. He started to groan as all his discomfort returns to him slowly but all at once.

His conscious was returned slowly as well as if he was being brought about of a long, well-needed slumber. After a couple moments, his eyes started to flutter open but almost instantly snapped closed at the bright light shining down upon him. His mind quickly recalled him back in his room with his overjoyed family waking him up with gifts. He felt a small smile creep on his face at the memory.

His Wolf (Larry Stylinson) Where stories live. Discover now