Hey guys! I have been really bored lately, so I've been writing this story. And I just thought. Why not make it a wattpad story? Just a warning before you read this. I am terrible at starting things but once I'm more in the middle it'll get better, trust me. Now I hope you enjoy my story!


"To your left!" He called, holding up a gun, fending off the dark creatures. He shot one that was trying to jump at him, and kicking another away in the process. I reloaded my gun, aiming it at one of the creatures as I dodge the dark creature. I shoot one, a ball of light coming out of the gun, and the creature turns to ash. "Behind you!" I screamed. He won't turn in time. Were surrounded. I'm fighting my way to him, hoping it doesn't get to him. I see an opening, and I don't waste my opportunity. I jump towards him and the creature, shooting some trying to grab me with the darkness. I'm behind him and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I release a small scream. He turned and I saw a slight panic in his eyes. He turned away fighting the creatures away from us. I still shoot, punch, kick, whatever I can do to fight, but my movements become sluggish. Soon I feel more sharp pains, they're biting me, scratching me. Anything to get the toxin in. Before I could do anything, my eyelids become heavy, difficult to keep open. Soon the world goes black.

What the first thing that comes to your mind when you're hear the word werewolf? Hairy? Angry? Full Moon? But what if I told you that werewolves aren't always those stereotypical hairy guys? Let me just start off with saying, they aren't exactly called werewolves. They go by multiple names, each from different species. The humans call them werewolves, but some of the many names are Moon Risers, Night Hunters, Biters, and many many more. Different species can give us names that could be the same as another. Like for example, What you call vampires, someone else could call Biters, or Blood Suckers (the fairies came up with that, don't trust what the movies say). But they do mainly go by werewolves, vampires, and all the other creatures. You might be wondering why I'm telling you this, and the answer is pretty simple. I am a werewolf. And no, I'm not hairy, or angry, or transform on full moons (it does make us stronger though). I didn't just want to tell you this to inform you that the fairytale creatures are real, but anyone you know could be one. The nerdy kid with the thick framed glasses could be a dangerous oger. You just can't see it. The pretty girl that every guy wants to date and every girl wants to be could be a siren that can change their appearance to look absolutely perfect, but you just can't tell that their a siren. Not all creatures are good, some are dangerous and can be deadly. They, are the Anti-Creatures. Anti-Creatures are just like any normal creature, well used to. Darkness consumed their auras and they transform. And darkness could be because of anything. You could have bad karma, done too many bad and harmful things, or you're just a bad person. But it takes a lot for that to transform you, and the more quicker way of becoming Anti is getting the toxin. If they get to you, and bite or scratch you without fairy powder to heal you, well let's just say that you probably won't live to see tomorrow, but on some occasions you turn Anti. Well I'm not telling you this for no reason. I'm telling you so you know about what I'll be facing for the months to come.

" I'm sorry Max, but it's the Orders decision. You're lucky I got them to let you back if you survive." My older brother and best friend, Nathaniel said. "I know, I just, I didn't know he would do that, and we stopped them, so I don't see where the problem is," As I spoke my voice became quieter. I knew I was trying to make this sound like it wasn't my fault, but in the end it will always and forever be, my fault. My brother sighed, " You'll be fine, the only thing you'll have to worry about are the Anti's. You just have to survive the eight-" I cut him off, "seven and a half," "months then you get to come back. Plus they're giving you a house to live in. It won't be as bad as it seems." He's right. All I have to do is go to highschool (Thank the moon that the principle is a creature, she'll tell me how the human school system works), get a job, and try to fend off the Anti's. Simple. "Today's your last full day. You leave tomorrow." He told me, all I could do was nod. Only if I just didn't tell him, or even talked to him like I was told not to, I wouldn't be in this mess. "I should've listened to dad. I shouldn't of talked to that human. I should've guessed Gavin worked for C-Labs," Should is completely different than did. I should've done a lot of things, but they aren't what I did. "Don't beat yourself up over this It's only a few months, and you learned your lesson. You should start packing your stuff and saying bye to people." Nat told me, and that's what I did. I said goodbye to the few friends that I already had, and to the fewer that would still talk to me after I told, who I thought was my boyfriend that I was a werewolf, and his boss' coming to attack us. Next I went to my little brother, Alex. He's only six so I don't think he understands my situation. "Maxy, pick me up," He demanded, holding his arms in an upward motion. I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck. "So, you know I'm leaving right?" I asked him and he nodded, "Is it a vacation?" His head slightly tilted to the side, a habit my whole family has. I slightly hesitated but nodded, "Yeah, it's kind of like that," I answered. "When will you be back?" Alex asked curiously, yet again another trait my family shares. "Yeah, for around eight months," said as I put him down. "Can I come with you?" He asked, yet another question. "No, I'm sorry but this is just something I need to do alone," He nodded, and asked more questions than I could count, and I tried to answer them as best as I could.

Now I need to talk to my dad. All the werewolves in my pack all live in a home, but it's more in the woods than in the nearest town. even though it's only five minutes away if I use my powers. and twentie by car. I go into my house (for now) and look for my dad. I find him cooking dinner, and his back is towards me. I take in a small but deep breath, it is going to be hard to say goodbye. I stand there in the doorway, for what seems like an eternity until my dad finally says something, "I know how you feel about this Maxine, but you're going to be back before we can even say full moon," he said out of nowhere, slightly startling me. His back is still turned, and it took me a few moments to realized he either heard me, smelled my scent, or both. "but it's eight month. Eight months!" I said, how is he so calm? His only daughter might get killed, and yet he's so sure that I will be perfectly fine. "You don't know if I'll be alright, I've only had a little training to fight the Anti's, but that's not enough. I have no idea how to fend for myself, but you think I'll be fine," I continue, the more I think about it, the scarier it is for me to leave. My dad turns around, his dark brown eyes on a bowl that he has in his hands. He's mixing something that looks like eggs. "I'm not worried about you, you'll be fine. You're your mother's daughter, and I know that you'll be able to handle yourself." He said, looking up at me. Unlike my brothers and I, my dad has brown hair and we have blond because of our mom. Nat has brown eyes like my dad, Alex has dark yet vibrant green eyes, and I have vibrant dark blue eyes like my mom. My dad turned around and continues to cook. I can tell he's making my favorite, breakfast for dinner, Because he has different things like, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and other types of foods. "But I don't even know how to get a job, or how human school's work, the only thing I know how to do is drive. And I can't even do that well." I responded. My dad slightly chuckled at my comment, "Don't worry. You have an aunt that owns a club. She'll give you a job there, plus if you need anything go to her, and she'll contact either me or your brother." He told me as he started putting some of the food on plates. "I have an aunt? Since when?" I ask curiously, tilting my head to the side out of habit. "Yes, you have an aunt. Her name is Katherine Sanders, and she was your mother's sister. And she's been you're aunt since forever, you met her when you were younger," He told me and began placing plates and silverware on the dinner table. "So, she knows my situation?" I asked him, "Yes, and she can help you with anything, but it can't be anything like living with her. The Order has their rules, and breaking them isn't an option for you." He said. "I know, but how do I contact her?" I asked, yet another question. "She'll put your name on the list to let you in her club, it's called the Wolf's Den, and if I remember right, only teenagers are allowed in, so you won't get asked for ID. Now go get your brothers it's time for dinner,"

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