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On my way, I see a couple more Changeling Antis. I aim my gun, and shoot. Hitting them, and making them disintegrate into ash. I know I'm close. I walk past the different headstones, looking around. I finally see it, it's on a tree, hanging upside down in the form of a bat. It's the leader of these things. Changelings, are like bees in a way. There's queen bee and her workers. In this case, the changeling that's morphing into two, then four changelings is the 'Queen bee', the leader of this hoard of Antis. I hide behind a tombstone, making sure I'm not visable, and I speak into the small walkie talkie that was in my pocket, "Guys, I found the leader and its multiplying quickly," a few moments later I heard Winter speak into the device, "Okay, we're on our way. I saw the direction you went in,"  With that, I start to reload my guns, and try to stay hidden by the tombstone.

"Ashton," Winter jogs to me, ducking her head to stay hidden. "Where's Dakota and Jasper?" I quietly ask. "They found some anti's and told me to help you," She whispered back, glancing above the headstone to look at the creatures. "They're multiplying, we better hurry,"  I nodded and I kept my gun in my hand, ready to shoot. I silently count to three and Winter and I jump out. I instantly shoot one in the chest, it goes flying back into a tree and disintegrates into ash.  Winter shoots another in the head. We do this, and make sure none gets near us, "Ash!" I heard a voice yell, Dakota I think. "Over here!" I call, but as I turn, a force pushes me backwards into a tree and my head bangs into it. Winter is on me, her eyes aren't her normal light blue, they are a vibrant, glowing red. "I didn't think it would really be that easy to trick you, but I guess I was wrong" The changeling said to me, its voice, a mix of Winter's and a dark low rumble. Soon changelings started surrounding us, cutting us off from my team. I kept a straight face as I looked at the creature in front of me, "Y'know Ashton, I heard a lot about you and your little friends. I heard that you have been killing my friends,"   It pushed me harder into the tree, its forearm on my chest. "I don't think you'd like it if I started doing that to yours, now would you?," It grinned at me, "They are monsters, not one of us. Their auras are dark, and too far gone to be saved," I said, trying to keep my face and voice emotionless. The creature laughed, " What makes you think that they even want to be saved? Now, are you ready to become one of us? Because it truly is very fun and exciting," the creature said, a black goo appearing on its hand.

All of a sudden, a blast of cold air and frost hits me, making me turn my head away. The changelings that surrounded us, frozen over and the creature that held me against the tree had a look of pure horror on its face, "my- my changelings!" She
yelled, a second later the frozen monsters explode and a blinding white light hits me. Dakota appears holding up two light guns, and Jasper holds one that we only use in case of emergency a that magnifies the normal light gun by ten times. But as I look at Jasper, he's on the ground holding his sister. The Anti that was holding me loosened its grip, staring at the place where the changelings used to be. I took my chance and pushed it off of me. It stumbling and falling to the ground. Dakota quickly aims his gun and shoots the creature, a dark ash appearing. "We need to get winter to the truck, she used too much power by freezing the Anti's," Jasper said as he held his unconscious sister. I nodded and picked up winter in my arms, knowing the 5'4 boy was too weak to carry his sister to the truck. "Thanks," I heard him say and we get into the truck.

"I told you guys to be careful, but you didn't listen. You guys could have died, or worse, gotten turned," our medic, Leo scolded. Winter woke up about an hour ago and is laying on one of our small clinic beds we have. The rest of us sit on three of of the other five we have. "But nothing happened, so we're fine," said Dakota, "leave them alone, they won, and even better in a very awesome way," Emma said, leaning against the wall. Her blond hair in a messy bun and she wore her normal outfit of shorts and a T-shirt. "Are you insane?" Leo said to Emma, turning to her. "They could of gotten majorly hurt fighting a leader, and a changeling leader at that," Leo is always worrying about us and is scared of almost everything, even though he looks like he could kill a bear just by looking at it. He is tall, about 6'4 and is very muscular. He mostly wears just shorts and muscle T's, and his hair is always in a light brown curly mess that gets in his eyes. "Leo, you do this every time we fight a creature. We know you're worried, but if we come back unharmed, it's a good fight," I told him and he groaned, taking out a green lifesaver candy from his pocket, opened it and put it in his mouth, I swear, Leo's basically addicted to hard candies, he always has them on him. "you're lucky I'm not in a fighting mood today, even though you did get hurt, and winter over used her power" he said and I could see Emma roll her eyes. Leo probably saw it too and walked out of the room. Emma slightly laughed, "he's such a drama queen,"  she said, loud enough for him to hear, "I'm not a drama queen, I'm just precautious," he yelled back and we lightly laugh. "Oh oh oh, Em, did you ever get the wing wax from the fairies?" Jasper asked, "I asked them and they said that they will get some for you in two days, because they have to make it," Emma answered. Jasper and winter, are half winter fairy, and their other half human. Their mom was a human and their dad was a winter fairy. Jasper got the wings, and the shortness, or as Jasper likes to call it, a height deficiency. Whereas his sister has the power of frost, snow and all things cold, and is a few inches taller than him. They both have the same light blonde, almost white hair, very pale skin, and light blue eyes.  "Wait, guys. I have an important question. Do any of you have like... all of my homework answers, I forgot we had school tomorrow," Dakota said, "When do you have your homework?" I said back at him with an eyeroll, "Well, I did my math homework last week," he said with a shrug, I  sigh as I get up to go get him my homework, once again.


So... It's been like 3 weeks since I've uploaded... And it's not even a Thursday... Well I'm not to be trusted with things like this because I'm a major procrastinator. So, I'm not going to be doing the updating every Thursday thing, but I'll upload as soon as possible for now on. And thanks guys for reading!

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