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Hey guys, I just wanted to start off with saying, I honestly had major writers block with the end of this chapter, and I know I'm only just starting it, but I just didn't know how I should've ended it, so sorry if it's not that good. Okay, so I want to apologize to anyone that read it today, my wattpad glitched and it wouldn't let me copy and paste it correctly onto here. So sorry again if it confused you!


I laugh at my friend, Dakota, as he tries to eat all his french fries all in one bite. He has french fries hanging from his mouth from all different angles. After about a minute he actually at all of them. "What's my time? Is it a new record?" He asked and checked the timer I set on my phone. "one minute and twenty four seconds," I said and his dark brown eyes lit up, "Yes! New Record!" I laugh at his excitement, he's always so enthusiastic over the strangest things. I bite into my burger and continue to laugh at my friend's enthusiasm. "Okay, so down to business," I began, and instantly Dakota becomes serious. "For the past week we've had four different sightings," a bell rings, meaning someone came into the fast food restaurant. A couple walked in, the boy had his arm around the girl's waist and they sat at a table two booths in front of us. "And that's too many for just one week." Dakota added, "Right, so did you hear anything from Winter and Jasper yet?" I asked him."No, they're still on watch." I nodded and we continued to eat, "Did we get any more fairy dust from Emma?" He asked me, "Yeah, we got five more jars," "Good, because at the rate were fighting them, we'll need as much as we can get." dakota and I are on a team of Hunters. And no, we aren't Hunters that shoot deer and all that. We fight Anti creatures. And yes, I meant creatures as in, Vampires, werewolves, Nymphs, whatever. They can look like you or me, but I have the sight, where I can see their auras, but not always right away. Just like our pupils change to adjust to the light so we can see, my eyes have to adjust to that specific auras. When I see auras, I see Different colors for different creatures. Sirens are light pink, Nymphs are a dark green, Vampires are a dark blood red, and there are several more I can name. I still yet have to see a Satyr, Mummy (And no, I can't just look for people wearing toilet paper), werewolf, mermaid, pixies and a few more. All of those creatures always keep to themselves, stay with their kind and away from civilization, or figured out how to hide their auras. "Did Emma get the new weapons?" Dakota asked me, and I nodded, "Yeah, we got new light guns, different types of blades, and enough fairy dust containers for the whole gang," It's good that we're only teenagers. Whenever we talk about our Hunting, it just sounds like we're talking about a video game.

The bell rings yet again, meaning another person walked in, but I haven't seen this person before. In our small town, you have probably seen or met everyone at least once, which means this person has either just moved here or just passing through. I haven't heard any news of anyone moving here, so I bet they are just passing by. The person is a girl that looks about mine and dakota's age. She was pretty tall, but most likely a few inches shorter than me. She had long, slightly wavy blond hair, and she wore an outfit of a white T- shirt, light blue ripped jeans, sneakers, a red flannel around her waist, and a black snapback hat with these random white designs all over the front. "Is it just me, or is that girl not from around here?" Dakota asked. "Yeah, I haven't seen her before. Probably just passing by." I told Dakota. "If she moved here, we probably would of heard about it," I added and he nodded, "That's true," The girl placed an order at the counter. When she turned to take a seat, she saw dakota and me looking at her. She had these vibrant blue eyes, they actually looked like they could glow if someone turned the lights off. She gave us a weird look and walked past us taking a seat at a random table. "The meeting is tonight, right?" Dakota asked. I'm basically the leader of my group of Hunters. There's only a six of us, counting me. There's Dakota Marshal, who's my best friend and fellow Hunter. Jasper Marsh, who is my friend and is another Hunter. Winter Marsh, who is jasper's twin sister and a Hunter. Emma King is the person who gets all of our supplies, and can kill a few Anti's if she has to. And last but not least, Leo Lyons. He is our somewhat doctor that handles all of our injuries, so we don't have to go to the hospital and have them always question about the injuries and it would just be one big pointless mess. "Yes, I've told you a million times," I told him and he nodded, "Then you should know that if I don't have my complete attention on something then I forget it." he defended. That is true, probably why he isn't doing so well in math. I hear the bell go of and a man that was in the restaurant earlier just left. But as my eyes travel back to my conversation with Dakota, I notice something... Different. The girl that walked in was just getting her order and it looked like it was to go. She had a slight glow around her. A yellow glow. Was it her aura? I've never seen a yellow aura before, what i- "Ashton, stop staring. That's not good manners or whatever," he said snapping his fingers in front f my face. "Says the one that was just shoving french fries in his mouth trying to see how fast he could eat them." I retorted. "Hey, that was for, uh, scientific purposes," Dakota said back, and I rolled my eyes at him. "I wasn't staring. It's just, her aura. It's yellow, I've never seen it before..." I trailed off and the girl put earbuds in and left the building. "You're seriously missing the obvious thing to do: follow her," Dakota said like it was obvious. Which it was, but there was also another obvious reason, "I don't know what she is, which means I don't know what she's capable of," Dakota rolled his eyes and started to get up. He's going to follow her. "Don't you dare," he ignored me and started to leave. As if on cue, his and my phone started to ring. And we both know who they are from.

" We found a whole horde of them, and we needed backup." Winter explained as she geared up with her brother Jasper, Dakota, and me. "They're Shapeshifter Anti's, and they are at the cemetery," Jasper said to us as he attached a weapon holder belt around his waist placing two guns and a few blades in the different slots. "Ugh, I hate those things," Dakota said, attaching two handheld crossbows to his belt. After everyone geared up, we went into our van that holds all we need inside. Weapons, fairy dust, and memory dust (Just incase people see us fightings), and food if we ever need to do some stake outs to find Anti's, or people we think we need information from. Like the scientists from C Labs, they always try to stop us from hunting the Anti's, so they can use their auras and send them to the government to get money.

After our drive, we park by the entrance to the cemetery. We quickly think of a plan. Jasper and I will go in together first, then after Winter and Dakota to fight any that we might of not seen, or that found our way to us.

"Ready?" I asked Jasper, opening the van's door. He nodded and a the same time we hopped out. He led the way to where him and Winter found the first shapeshifters. "This is going to be epic!" Jasper said enthusiastically, a grin on his face. I stopped walking and turned to him. "Epic?" I questioned. "You know, epic? Like, awesome, cool, amazing, extro-" "How much coffee did you have today?" Let's just say, this kid was probably the definition of hyper. "None, why?" I slightly shook my head and continued walking, "Never mind," Jasper rolled his eyes and kept walking,

"JASPER!...ASHTON!" I heard a voice yell, definitely Winter. We turn and Jasper and I give each other a quick look, knowing they have found some shapeshifters. We began sprinting, having our weapons in hand. We finally see Winter and Dakota fighting off about ten shapeshifters, but there's something off about them. To beat a shapeshifter you need to you silver. I hold two daggers in hand and charge at two shape shifters, stabbing them. I see Dakota shooting two down with his crossbow. They screech and continue to come at him. Jasper threw two daggers at the two, hitting them in the back of the head. They instantly slump to the ground. The shapeshifter that's in front of me begins to morph, changing into a dark black, that was darker than night itself, version of me. Soon, the rest started changing into each of us. The shapeshifter grins at me, it's red, glowing eyes on me. Then it jumps at me, and one comes at my side. I duck and roll away from where they were trying to get me, one of their claws scratch my arm. I shrug off the pain and keep fighting, but something is certainly off. "Guys... These aren't shapeshifters," I hear Dakota say. And... He's right. They're changelings. They are even worse to fight, and harder to kill than shapeshifters, and their powers are far more greater. To kill a shapeshifter you have to use a light gun right through their heart or brain. I take out one of my guns and try to aim, but I kick a changeling off me in the process. I pull the trigger. A ball of light coming out of the gun and hits the dark creature in the head, sending it flying backwards after a few seconds it disintegrates into ash. I look around looking to see if anyone needs my help before more Changelings come. I look at Dakota and I see him stab a Changeling with a small dagger then shoot it to ash. I look at Winter and see she's concentrated on killing the creatures. I see her eyes glow a white that was so white, that her irises looked a light blue. I look at Jasper and see he's dodging the creatures with ease and shooting it in the stomach pushing it backwards, the taking another shot turning it into ash. They have things under control, I think to myself. I start to head forward, the direction of where the first creatures came from, I need to find it.


Hey my Half Wolves, how did you like the chapter? I have had struggle writing this chapter for about a week and a half and started writing the next chapter with Maxine lol. The only reason I had motivation to write this was because my friend Dana would of killed me if I didn't update.

And I'm not going to do that 'vote, comment, share if you enjoyed' crap, do what you want, I'm just writing this for fun so even if it doesn't become popular, I'll keep writing this lol.

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