Chapter 2

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Sorry for any mistakes...
Caroline's POV
A loud noise seemed to echo through the cold air.
I jolted awake.
My breath gets caught in my throat and I can't seem to find my breath, I ball my tiny hands on a some sort of martial while I struggle to breath.
I look up to be met with familiar blue eyes.
"Sunshine I need ya to calm down, take big breaths. Just look at my eyes look at daddy's eyes."
I nod weakly, and soon regain my breath.
And now I realized that I was cradled in my daddy's arms, and that we weren't inside the truck anymore
"Daddy were are we?" I asked, my voice to sounded raspy.
The worry from his eyes seems to wash away a bit when he heard me speak, but it didn't disappear completely.
"Caroline ya alrigh'? Do you need yer' inhaler?"
"No daddy I'm fine. Where are we?" I asked once more "And where is uncle Merle?"
"He went to check somethin' out, and we're stuck for right now, so ye' just need to hang on." He gave me a small smile, and I nodded in return. I decided to look at my surroundings, we are in the middle of a road with lots of cars and people, they're everywhere! I craned my neck to the side and there are lots of trees, uncle Merl stepped out, daddy seemed not to notice so I tugged on his shirt, he looked down with an eyebrow raised so I pointed at the direction of uncle Merle.
Daddy stared walking and we met uncle Merle half way.
"I see ya' finally woke up sweet cheeks."
"Mhm" I hummed
"So what the hell is going on man?"
Daddy asked, Merle didn't respond only looked at me then at daddy.
"I need ya to see something baby brotha'"
"What 'bout Caroline?"
"Ye' see over there? That scared little group, I think they'll watch yer little sunshine just fine." Uncle Merle smirked and daddy seemed to growl in response.
"Daddy don't leave me... I'm scared." I cried
"It's gonna be alrigh' sunshine, I'm jus' gonna check somethin' out with yer' uncle Merle."
I nodded in understanding.
In the group their was a skinny woman with dark brown long hair, and another woman with short grey hair, their was a man that looks like a police officer and is hugging the skinny woman, a little bit further from the truck were the group is standing is a fat man, he looks really mean though, I could also see that in the car there were two kids, a girl and a boy.
"Um hey do ye'mind if I leave my little girl here for a sec I need to go check on somethin'"
"Yes of course, that wouldn't be a problem." The grey haired woman said she has a sweet voice and looks very nice.
"Thanks" daddy mumbled as he set me on the ground "alrigh' sunshine I'll be righ' back. Be good." He bends down to my level and kisses me on the head and goes off with uncle Merle .
"Come on sweetheart." The lady said and took my hand leading me towards the truck.
"My names Carol by the way, how about you meet my daughter Sophia and her friend Carl." She smiled
"Okay!" I chirped, I was excited to have new friends.
Carol opened the door and set me inside were the two kids who I'm guessing is Carl and Sophia were, they both looked at me curiously.
"Hi! I'm Sophia Peletier !" She waved happily
"And I'm Carl Grimes!" They both seems happy.
"Well I'm Caroline Dixon"
"Was that your daddy out there?" She asked
"Yep!" I said proud
"He seems very nice... My daddy isn't nice at all..." She said sadly.
I frowned at that, aren't daddy's supposed to be nice?
"But your mom is nice!" I said
"Yeah she is" the smile returned to her face witch caused me to smile back.
"What about your mommy?"
My smile faded, and I hung my head low.
"I-I don't have a mommy, Daddy says that she's gone... but that she would've loved me very much, but daddy said that he promised her to take good care of me and that she loves me very much!"
"Well I wish I had a daddy like yours."
An idea came to my mind.
"Hey! How about we share!?"
"How?" She asked puzzled
"Like I can share my daddy with you and you share your mommy with me! That way you can have a nice daddy and I can have a nice mommy!" I felt like I was smiling very big as I waved my little arms in the air.
She also seemed very happy at the idea.
"But we can't to tell your daddy 'cause he might get mad. Okay?"
Sophia nodded quickly.
"What about you Carl? Are your parents nice?"
"My mom is nice and we'll... I don't have a dad" he spoke sadly
"But what about the man that was hugging your mommy? Isn't that your daddy?" I asked
"No. My dad was shot when he was working." He said
"You want me to share my daddy with you to?" I said, I just wanted to cheer him up.
"No it's alright Caroline, thanks though." He gave me a small smile with I returned.
I felt myself being picked up which caused me to squeal.
"Aye sunshine, they treat you well?"
"Daddy!" I yelled happily
"Yes! I made new friends. That's Sophia, and that's Carl!" I pointed at them as I spoke, both then waved shyly
"And I was also telling Sophia that we could share!"
"Share wha'" he asked
"You silly?"
"Me?" He had an amused smile on his face and was looking at Sophia who refused to make eye contact and Carl was smirking and teasing her.
"Yeah 'cause her daddy is mean and your not."
Daddy just smiled at me and then waved at Sophia with his free had, she shyly waved back, then daddy turned on his heels and we stared to walk of, this made me frown.
"Daddy are we leaving?"
"Yes sunshine."
"Will I ever see Sophia again?" I mumble sadly
"Awww why not!?" I whined
'Wait something isn't right....'
I looked up at daddy to see him smirking at me
"Wait did you say yes!?" I asked happily
"I said yes"
"How though?"
"Where gonna go with their group" daddy said smiling down at me
"Happy dance!" I squealed, I stared wiggling in my daddy's arms trying to do my happy dance.
"Caroline!" Daddy laughed
I could also see in the distance uncle Merle who was smiling at me while I tried to dance.
I was very happy that moment but i should have known those precious moments don't last long on this new world...
"Aghhhh!" I screamed every thing seemed to slow down. By the end I could see the monsters had reached us, they were eating the people who were close to them, I noticed that daddy had cradled me differently so I wouldn't see but I could hear the blood curdling screams that echoed around me, and the gunshots that rang out, daddy and uncle Merle screaming to the people who we were gonna go with I picked up me head from my daddy's shoulders and saw the city... Or what was left of it, their was many helicopters flying over it and multiple explosions that were setting the city on fire... Destroying it. The sound was so loud I could hear a slight ringing in my ears. The sound was drawing the monsters to us!
"Daddy!" I stared to cry
"Shshsh it's gonna be alright Caroline just don't look." Daddy started running, the gunshots didn't stop, only did they quieted down when daddy and uncle Merle reached the truck, daddy sat me down on his lap while he kept a firm grip on me, I could feel myself shaking and my breathing became heavy.
"Sunshine?" Daddy asked, I didn't respond I just stared blankly towards the city that was being destroyed, the truck sped away we were fallowing an RV, the echos of the screams gunshots and explosions faded away. I had only once been to the city, my daddy took me out to get ice-cream on my birthday.
"Caroline? Princes?"
"Sunshine please look at me..."
I slowly turned around and look at him, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I just let them spill, silently they were rolling down my cheeks.
"Come 'ere my little sunshine" daddy brought me into a hug, I clutched tightly onto his plaid shirt and sobbed violently into his chest.
"Shhh it's alrigh' baby I got you." He gently rocked me side to side.
"Daddy I'm scared!" I sobbed
"Don't cry sweet cheeks me and your daddy are here for you." Uncle Merle said
I nodded into my dads chest
"Sunshine ya know I'll always protect ya'"
"Pinky promise?" I asked holding up my pinky?
"Yeah sunshine... Pinky promise."
I sighed heavily into my daddy's chest the rocking of the truck lulling me to sleep.
"Daddy..." I asked quietly?
"Yes sunshine?"
"Can you... can you sing to me?" I asked shyly
"Yeah ok" I heard him take a deep breath and he started to sing.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..
You make me happy when skies are grey...
You never know, dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away..."
And so I did I let darkness take over.
"G'night sunshine" was the last thing I heard, before I feel asleep.

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