Chapter 3

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Sorry for any mistakes
Caroline's POV
"Darling I'm so sorry... I told you we were safe and I broke your promise... I'm so sorry sunshine..."
The voice seemed distant, and it seemed to break at times while he spoke. I knew who it was, I wanted to hug my daddy tell him it's okay. But I couldn't open my eyes.
I couldn't remember what happened, daddy's voice seemed to fade, and I wanted to hear it again, but it soon faded completely.
Then all the events came crashing down, the highway, the explosions, the... Monsters.
My eyes snapped open, and I'm not in my daddy's truck, but in a tent?
I sit up from the cott and look around the tent, there's another cott probably uncle Merle's and some backpacks, I panic when I see someone is missing. But relax when I find Mr. Fuzzy Butt next to me.
I jump off the cott, my legs seems weak at first but soon regain strength, I make my was toward the door of the the tent, the light blinds me when I unzip the tents flap.
I have no idea where I am. Their is people left and right, tents set up everywhere, cars and a big RV, in the middle of the place is a big fire! This must be the camp daddy was talking about!
Wait where daddy and uncle Merle? I start to panic, I don't know where I am and I'm surrounded by people I don't know either, and on top of everything I don't know where my family is!
A sweet voice interrupted my attack.
"Hi sweetheart." I turned around and a blond girl is crouching down at my level.
"Hello" I say shyly I cling to my stuffed squirrel and look to the ground.
"Your Daryl's daughter, Caroline right?" She asked gently
"I'm Amy, come on your daddy said you would wake up in awhile, I'll show you around, I think your daddy and uncle Merle would want me to take care of you."
I jumped into her arms and she or Amy stood up full hight, and at the mention of daddy and uncle Mere my eyes lit up
"You know where my daddy and uncle Merl are?" I asked eagerly
"Are they here?"
"Well not exactly."
"Well your uncle Merl went into the city, so they could get some supplies for the camp, and your daddy is out hunting should be back soon though." Amy explained while walking through camp
"Aww daddy always takes me hunting with him, it's not fair." I grumbled
She chuckled softly
"Well maybe next time, now how about I introduced you to everyone at camp, I'm sure every one will like to know Daryl Dixon's daughter."
"Okay!" I chirped happily
Amy introduced me to the group, their was Dale, who is very nice, Jimmy, who is Dale's friend, the rest of the group is in the city, and Amy was going to introduce me to someone else when a small voice squealed my name.
I turned my head and was met by my new friend I made at the highway
"Sophia!" I yelled happily, Amy set me down and I ran towards her
"Your awake! You wanna go play with me and Carl? I wanted to wake you up but momma wouldn't let me."
"Yeah I wanna play! What are we gonna play though?"
"How about we go down to the quarry"
"Quarry?" I asked confused
"Yeah!" She said happily "I'll show you"
"Carl!" Sophia yelled, a few seconds later Carl came running, his eyes lit up when he saw me.
"Caroline! Finally up from your nap?"
"Yep!" I was very happy right now
"Wanna go down to the quarry, with me and Caroline?"
"Yes! But I gotta ask my mom first"
"Well let's go then." They nodded and we made our way towards Carl's mom who's name I remember begin Lori.
"Hi Lori" I said
Her attention was brought to me seeing that she was cooking something I also noticed that Carol was next to her!
"Hi Caroline" she answered gently
"Hi Carol!"
"Hello darling how do you feel?" She was always very nice
"I feel good" I smiled
"Hey mom can I go to the quarry with Sophia and Caroline?" Carl asked
"Hmm I don't know Carl."
"Please!" He begged
"It's fine Lori I'll keep on eye on them." Carol spoke, and Lori finally gave in, yay!
"Carl you listen to Carol alright? And stay safe."
"Yay! Let's go guys!" Carl yelled
We ran our way down to the quarry, which was like a huge lake! It sorta reminded me like the one that was outside our cabin. And it made me sad. Why did the monsters had to come and take us away from our home?
I sighed sadly
"What's wrong Caroline?" Sophia asked
"It's just that I miss my house... And the lake outside it, me, daddy and uncle Merle would always go swimming." I said sadly
Her face seems sad but soon it lit up.
"Well come on! Let's go swim!"
I nodded happily, Carl and Sophia where already taking off their shoes and socks, I soon followed.
"Alright kids don't go to far in." Carol said
We didn't bother replying, we just ran in, the water was really cold!
"It's so cold!" I screeched
"I know!" Carl said
Sophia nodded, I could see her teeth chattering
"Hey let's play Marco Polo!" Carl suggested
"Yeah!" Me and Sophia said in sync
"So who goes first?" I asked
"I will!" Carl said
"Close your eyes! And no cheating." Sophia yelled
Carl closed his eyes, and me and Sophia swam away from him
"Marco!" Carl yelled
"Polo!" We said
The game went on, it took awhile for Carl to catch one of us and it was Sophia who got caught, they never caught me once!
Daddy would be proud
Carol soon called for us to get out of the water, we all got dressed, me with the help of Carol of course seeing that I'm six and daddy still helps me put on clothes, those things are like a trap! I always get tangled! I don't know how daddy does it so easily.
The three of us were sitting at a small table coloring and talking about how it was before the monsters came.
I said that daddy was the best hunter in the world! Because it's true. Carol was siting next to us mending some of Sophia's shirts.
I didn't realize how tired I was until I yawned casing Sophia and Carl to giggle and Carol to chuckle.
"You tired sweetheart?"
"Mhm" I rubbed my eyes
"How about you go to your daddy's tent and take a nap."
"Okay" I replied sleepily
I closed the coloring book and tiredly made my way towards daddy's tent, when my head hit the pillow I instantly fell asleep.

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