Chapter 7

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Caroline's POV:
It's been a couple of hours since I woke up. All the women are keeping an eye on me though.
Morales even built a cylinder like shape for the fire tonight! Because apparently while I was asleep Amy and Andrea went fishing and caught hundreds of fish!
~later that night~
The fire is very cozy and we are all sitting around it while eating fish! Every one was laughing and having a good time, though I wish daddy and uncle Merle where here, hopefully they come back soon.
"Pass the fish, please" Sophia said the fish went around the circle until it reached her.
I was sitting next to Amy and across from me I could see Dale playing with his watch, why does he always do that? So I decided to ask
"Dale?" I asked, all attention was directed at me so I hung my head down this earned a few chuckles from the group.
"Yes sweetheart?" He asked gently
"Why do you always play with your watch? Does it not work?" I asked curiously
"Yeah man" morales piped in "little Dixon over here is right! It's been driving me crazy" the rest of the group laughed and their attention was directed towards Dale.
Dale ended up telling us a crazy story about a mausoleum... I don't even know what that is! Is it- Is it some sort of fish!?
Silence fell on camp well that is until I said something.
"And here I thought your watch was just broken..." The group erupted in laughter
"You are so weird" Amy laughed this made me laugh too.
"Amy" I whispered
"I need to pee" she laughed lightly
"I me too, come on let's go" she grabs onto my hand and stared walking
"Where are you girls going?" Andrea stopped us
"We need to pee, jezz were trying to be discreet around here"she grumbled, this cause many laughs
"Let's go Caroline"
We made it into the big RV and into the far end their is a small door where I guess is the bathroom, but their is no toilet paper!
"Amy theirs no more toilet paper"
"What? Their should be" she went trough some cabinets but found nothing.
"Hmm, come on" we stared walking towards the front of the RV, me right behind her, when we got to the door she opened it "we're out of toilet paper" she called, toward my left I saw some movement but I couldn't figure out what was it.
"Amy" I whispered I felt my stomach turning and like I was going to be sick.
"AMY!" I screeched one, of the monsters came out of the woods and grabbed onto her arm. I froze and everything seemed like it slowed down. Them monster sinking its teeth into her arm all the blood that splattered onto me when he retracted its rotten teeth from her soft skin, the screams that emitted from the back of her throat all seemed distant. What seemed to make me rerun to reality was the first gunshot that echoed through camp.
Then that's when the real nightmare began.
The walkers just kept coming Amy fell to the floor when she was able to pull free. Screams of bloody murder and gunshots where all that seemed to make up the camp.
"Amy!" I feel to my knees next to her, and put my small hands on the bite maybe if I can stop the bleeding like daddy taught me!
I didn't see the other walker coming right at us but Amy did. She pushed me away just in time when the walker bitt into her neck blood splattered onto my face and clothes. I watched in horror how the monster ripped the flesh away from her.
"Nonnono" I chanted "NO AMY!" The walkers head came in contact with a baseball bat killing it once more.
I was on my knees next to Amy who struggled to breath. I didn't know what to do! Why am I so useless!? I looked down to se my hands covered in blood all the way to my elbows I felt my face was sticky with the same liquid and I know this isn't rodent blood or some animals its Amy's... A living person at that moment I go into panic mode I can't stand the blood I just wanna get it off I don't notice Andrea next to Amy who is still fighting to stay alive.
"Get it off!" I screamed I need to get away! I'm not thinking straight when I run towards all the walkers I just run
"Caroline!" My name is being called when I leave the safety of the RV but I don't wanna be there! That's where I killed Amy! That's where all her blood is! I can't!
"Caroline! Sunshine! Where are you!?" I think I know that voice
I made a screech like noise when a monster grabbed onto my arm
"NO!" Then monster falls on top of me but it doesn't do anything and it's to heavy to move! I feel like it's crushing me and the smell is so bad I want to throw up, I can no longer hear any gunshots or screams, only me struggling to breath.
"Where is she!" Someone demands no one responds "Where the fuck is she!" He screams
I start to see black spots when the walkers body is thrown of me and I curl into a ball trying to regain my breath. Strong arms pick me up causing me to whimper.
"Deep breaths sunshine"
"Daddy?" I whisper hoarsely
"Shhhh, daddy's got you"
"She's covered in blood Daryl... You sure she's not bit?" Someone asks,
Daddy ignores the persons comment.
My breathing is heavy and when I look up daddy has tears in his eyes, I raise a bloodied weak hand and wipe the tears.
"I'm okay daddy, I'm okay" I assured Him.
"You promise sunshine?" I could hear his voice crack.
Was he scared?
"Pinky promise" I held up my small pinky, he wrapped his little finger with mine and out his forehead with mine looking into my eyes.
"Pinky promise sunshine."
SUUUP! So I was feeling good and I decided to update a day early!!!!! Woohoo!
To much?
Anyway I was planing on making another Walking Dead fanfiction instead it's gonna be a Carl Grimes / Daryl Dixon?...
What do you guys think???
Should I go for it? I got a ton of ideas that I can't really put into this book cause my character "Caroline" is just a smol Dixon bean (,:
Please vote and comment if you guys would like me to publish that story!
Love you lovelies
~ Ms. Believer  

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