Sir Leon (Merlin) x Reader

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You were currently walking through the forest of Camelot. You were on your way to Camelot, to help your brother. He had left your village to live with a friend of your mothers, Gaius. Your mother told you to go help him, but you wanted to stay and help her out. But here you were, in a dark forest.

You heard what sounded like horses running, they got louder and louder. Suddenly you were pushed to the ground and hit your head on a fallen branch. The horse stopped and footsteps came towards you. You looked up and saw a handsome man stand in front of you. His hair was light brown and curled, he looked to be a little older than yourself. He had the most stunning blue eyes you had seen.

"I apologize, Milady. Are you alright?" He asked with a voice as smooth as silk, filled with concern. He reached down and pulled you up.

"Yes sir, I am fine. Though you can just call me (Y/n)." you told him, a calm and light smile on your lips.

He brought your hand to his lips and gave a kiss to your knuckles. "My name is Leon. What does a beautiful young woman like yourself do out here?" he asked with a confused look on his handsome face.

"I am on my way to Camelot from Ealdor. My mother told me to go and help my brother." you explained with a smile.

"From Ealdor. Who may your brother be, if I may ask?" he asked.

"His name is Merlin." You replied, a little confused as to why this fine knight would be asking about your brother.

"Merlin. I know your brother, so please let me escort you." he said.

He took your hand and helped you onto his horse, then he took the reins and began walking. You had walked in silence and were now walking through the gate to Camelot. Leon stopped the horse and helped you down again.

"Thank you, Sir Leon," you said and kissed his cheek.

"It was my pleasure, Milady," he told you, blushing slightly.

"Gwain, show this lady to Gaius," Leon ordered a younger looking knight.

"Milady," Leon bowed and walked off.

"This way, Milady. I am Gwain. And you?" he asked.

"My name is (Y/n)." you replied.

"You don't seem in need of medical assistance, such a beautiful, healthy, young woman like yourself," he told you with a flirty wink.

"Gaius, you have a guest," Sir Gwain said to the elder man, after opening the door.

"(Y/n), is that you? You have grown since I last saw you." Gaius exclaimed, opening his arms for you. You ran over and hugged your elder friend.

"I am so glad to see you, Gaius," you told him, eyes sparkling with joy.

"Are you here to see Merlin?" Gaius asked.

"Yes, that I am," you answered with a smile.

"Can I ask you why you will visit Merlin?" Gwain asked.

"Our mother told me to come and help him. He's my brother," you explained cheerfully.

"Your brother, really? You seem nothing like him," he said, a bit confused.

"Well, he is my brother in blood and I don't doubt it. We have more in common than you think," you explained, thinking of your and Merlins shared secret.

"Very well, Milady," Gwain bowed and left.

"How are you, dear?" Gaius asked.

"I'm healthy as a horse," you answered.

"And Hunith, how is she?"

"Mother is well, but she is worried about Merlin. She misses him. That is one of the reasons why she send me," you explained with a sad smile on your features. "He have a great destiny to fulfil," you continued.

"That is true. It is good to hear that Hunith is well," he told you.

"How is Merlin?"

"Well, he's Merlin. You know how he is," he laughed.

"Haha, you are right," you joined in the laughing. "Where is he?"

"Serving the King. I think they are at the training field," Gaius managed to choke out.

"And where would that be?" you asked, your laughter died down.

"Let me show you. Come," you took his hand and followed him out the door.

You arrived at the training field and let go of Gaius' hand. At the field you saw the king, Arthur, a mountain of muscles, Sir Gwain and Leon. On the ground you saw a huge shield, moving. The person underneath it, was...

"MERLIN!" you yelled out in excitement. The men all turned to see who it was, while Merlin pulled himself up off the ground and looked at you. You ran towards your brother, past the other men. When you approached him, you jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"(Y/n)! You're here." Merlin exclaimed, hugging you just as tightly. He let go and gave a light kiss to your forehead.

"Merlin, what is going on?" The king asked, with annoyance in his voice. Arthur looked at you with a puzzled expression.

"This is my sister, (Y/n)," he explained. He turned to look at you, asking; "How is mother?"

"Mother is well, she misses you. She send me to help you," you told him.

"Merlin doesn't need help, but if you want to you can serve the knights. Bring water and something like that," the king said sternly, with just a hint of amusement evident in his voice.

"Wow, first day here and I already got a job." You said a bit shocked.

"If you're good at it."

------------------------Time skip- a few weeks--------------------------

"(Y/n), can you help me with my armour." Leon asked.

You had been serving the knights for the past few weeks and it had been fun. Especially one knight had caught your attention, Leon. You two talked a lot, but he had never asked for your help before. Little did you know that he had fallen for you the moment he laid eyes on you in the forest.

"Of course, Leon," you replied cheerfully. You stood in front of him and reached up to unbuckle his cloak. Looking up into his eyes, you blushed and looked at your hands. Leon's cheeks were tinted red as well. When you had unbuckled his cloak, you helped pull of his chainmail and accidentally stumble back. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to hit the hard, cold floor. But before you hit the ground, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you and you were held tightly to a strong torso. You looked up at your saviour and saw Leon, the man you admired, looking down at you.

"Are you harmed?" he asked, deeply concerned for your safety and wellbeing.

"Yes, thanks to you," you replied, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. He blushed at you gesture and brushed a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ears.

With his arms wrapped around you, you couldn't resist it, you wanted to kiss him. But before you could do anything, a pair of soft lips pressed to yours. Your eyes widened, but after a few moments you kissed back. The kiss was gentle, yet filled with love and passion. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you deepened the kiss. It felt like it lasted an eternity. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours and whispered;

"I love you."
"And I love you," you whispered back, smiling brightly.

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