Gadreel x Reader

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Glass bottles littered the floor of the room. The first light of the day shone through the cracks in the curtain. The woman on the bed stirred and turned around, hiding her face from the bright rays of sunlight. As the minutes passed, the room filled with light and she Rose to a sitting position. A cracked mirror hung at the foot of the bed and when she looked at her reflection she did not recognise herself. Her eyes with black shirt and puffy her sunken cheeks were red and stained with dried out tears. Cheekbones protruded from the pale skin.

Turning to the side, legs hanging from the bed, her every muscle aching and her throat and lungs burning. She rose from the bed, stretching. With every step the bottles clinked together, creating a screeching Symphony of agony. She wobbled to the kitchen, opening the fridge, closing it again when she realised there was nothing worth eating. Sighing she pondered if she should venture outside. Making her mind up, she went to the bathroom to try and make yourself a bit more presentable.

Grabbing her coat, she opened the door to the harsh autumn wind, feeling slightly relieved that the weather reflected her inner turmoil.

She made her way down the street, shielding her face from the prying eyes of her neighbours. The bell above the door of the small store, dinged, making the clerk look towards her. Walking to the fridge, basket in hand, she filled it with whatever her hand came in contact with. Not even thinking, she went to the aisle of liqour picking up a few bottles of the strongest substance.

She paid for it and left almost as if in a trance, a slight stumble as she walked, earning worried glances from the passing men and women. The noise of the streets and speeding cars drowned out her thoughts, like a whirlwind of piercing screams. As she hurriedly unlock the door and slammed it shut behind her, her heart hammered in a chest and her lungs burned with effort. Her body sunk to the floor, hands shaking, fingers grabbing at her hair and her knees pulled to her torso.

It had been five years, yet she was still in as much agony as in the days after. She prayed to everyone, she could think of the first two years with no answer. She wanted to give up living, but knew that her parents would kick her back to the world of the Living, if she kicked the bucket too early.

A flutter reached her ears and she stopped breathing. Looking up, she saw a man standing in front of her. Even in her current state, she noticed how handsome he was. Tall, broad shoulders, incredible jawline and those gorgeous eyes. The eyes that seemed to reflect how she felt. They held as much sorrow as her heart.

She knew she should be fearful of this stranger, standing in her apartment, but she couldn't find it in herself to be scared or to start yelling at him. She felt a strange connection between them and a need to comfort him.

Slowly she stood, on shaking legs, she moved towards him and before either one knew it, the young woman enveloped the man in a hug. He froze, not knowing what to do, but somehow he felt the need to do the same. And that he did, he moved his arms and if it was possible, hugged her tighter.

There they stood, for what felt like an eternity, just holding each other. Breathing heavily they pulled apart, but still holding on to one another.

"Who are you."(Y/n) asked softly, looking up into his eyes.

The man took a beep breath, "my name is Gadreel."

"Gadreel," she echoed and for the first time in years, she smiled. Albeit a small, barely-there smile, but a smile nonetheless.

Gadreel had never witnessed anything as beautiful as this moment, the Garden didn't compare. To him, this broken human was the most treasurable. He needed to piece her back together as much as he was capable.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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