Snow and Stars (Heavy x Reader)

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Requested by @Newuha123 Sorry that took so long, I've been kinda overhwhelmed lately. I hope you like it!

      Childhood memories of excitedly wading through the snow dominated your thoughts. Laughing as you flopped down onto your back to make snow angels in the beautiful powder, playfully tossing a snowball at a sibling or friend, even coming in for a hot drink and maybe a movie afterwards. Snow was always exciting, especially at night when it complimented the stars as it fell like two different types of diamonds. How ironic that you'd think of that at a time like this.

      Your team was starving. You'd been starving for about three days now but you hadn't called it starving then because you didn't want to exaggerate and bring everyone's spirits down. But now there was no question. Your team had been re-stationed to Coldfront several months ago. No one was happy with the decision. The temperature easily reached below zero in the winter (you'd come to calling it winterror) and was hardly better in the summer. If you wanted a clear path to the control point, you had to make it yourselves before the battle began with shovels or flamethrowers. Being there was miserable. About a week ago, the other team took yours in a surprise attack while half of you were gone getting supplies. The enemy Spy probably managed to listen in to plan an attack while you were at your weakest. Outnumbered, you lost the base and had been in the cold ever since with little food. Pyro kept a fire going and wood shelters had been constructed but it was still hell on earth. A freezing, food shortage hell. Needless to say, taking back the control point was out of the question. It was increasingly frustrating that clouds kept covering the sky, so you couldn't watch the stars at night like you normally did.

     Scout's voice broke the silence that had settled over the camp since no one had wanted to talk. "Hey, the big guy and Sniper are back!"

     Eagerly, you turned to look. An hour or so ago, Sniper and Heavy had headed off into the woods to hunt game or find any early blooming edible plants. Heavy was bundled up, complete with one of those fuzzy hats that covered the ears. Everyone had scrambled to get essentials like warm clothes before they had to leave the base.

       Heavy came over and sat the gun he'd been using to hunt down near his shelter. Behind him he was using string to tug a slab of wood that had a small deer on it.

     "Oh thank god!" You exclaimed as he brought the makeshift sled over. "You guys are saints."

      "It's kinda skinny but it's still food," Sniper said, getting his knife out to skin the deer while Pyro worked on making the fire bigger for cooking. "We also found a few wild onions poking up. Not exactly pleasant to eat but it's better than nothing.

      "Do not like killing animals," Heavy said as he sat down near you. "But it had to be done."

   You nodded and watched the Russian for a moment. He wasn't exactly gentle but he wasn't the mindless, trigger happy killer everyone made him out to be. At least not off the battlefield. He sure as hell wasn't stupid either. The man had a degree in Russian literature after all.

    "I agree," you said. "What's your favorite animal?"

     "Bear," he said. "Is nice to look at. Strong too. Saw many in Siberia. And you?"

    You told Heavy your favorite animal and he nodded in approval. You two talked for a bit while the small dinner was being prepared. It was torture to wait and you could feel your mouth watering. The violent shivering from the cold didn't help either and you muttered a few choice words under your breath.

      Heavy raised his eyebrows and pulled off his thick coat, wrapping it around your shoulders. Embarrassed, you immediately slipped it off and tried to return it to him. "N-no, that's alright, Heavy," you said. "I already have a coat." The Russian only chuckled in response and pointed at what he was still wearing. "Sweater is plenty big. And Heavy is used to cold from living in Russia. Plus plenty fat to keep warm," he ended with a laugh. You laughed as well, but not in a mocking way. It was clear the man wasn't at all insecure about his body and insistence of 'you're not fat!' just frustrated him more than anything. After all, Heavy had more important things to worry about. Besides, he wasn't unattractive at all.

    So, you stopped protesting and took the coat, wrapping it tightly around your frame. You had to admit, it was a huge relief so maybe being a bit selfish and using this wouldn't be so bad.

      "Alright, here we go," Sniper said, beginning to put the meat and wild onions onto a plate someone had grabbed before they were kicked out of the base. Everyone practically attacked their portion, you being no exception. The onions tasted like shit and made your breath smell like it too but it was food so you didn't care at all. With food in your belly and Heavy's coat keeping you warm, everything suddenly seemed a lot better. You turned around to thank the Russian again just as he got up.

     "Do not worry about it," he said, giving you one of his rare smiles that made your heart soar.

     The plan was simple. With the heavy snowfall and the cover of night, you and your team would bust into the base and kick the other team out so you could have a warm place to stay again. Hopefully surprise would be on your side. After all, Sniper had already taken out the Engineer standing guard, sending him to respawn. You crouched in the snow near Heavy, waiting for the distraction Scout was gonna make that would cause the mercenaries to run outside so you and him could shoot them down. Everything seemed to be going pretty well. You even still had his coat since he'd insisted on you using it tonight on account of the harsh weather conditions. You were still determined to figure out a way to pay him back for that.

       Scout was running around in the base, waking the enemy team up. It wouldn't be long until they came running out. You checked for the millionth time to make sure your weapon was fully loaded. Heavy was spinning up his minigun.

       An enemy Soldier came running outside to try and see what was going on and you both sprung, firing at him until he fell into the snow. As more rushed out, Heavy left the place where he was hiding to get closer to the fight. You followed him, laughing as you noticed how your team was easily crushing them.

   It didn't take long until the opposite team fled back to their own base. You smirked, firing at them as they ran. "Just stay in your own base where you're safe!" You called to them in a mocking voice.

   "Or better yet, run home to mama!" Heavy added, coming up beside you. He was covered in several blood splatters but most of it didn't seem to be his.

    "You did great," you complimented, turning around to head inside.

   "You as well!" He said happily, following you. "Good, strong fighter."

    Your face heated up slightly and you had just reached the door when you felt strong hands on your shoulders. Heavy effortlessly spun you around to face him and leaned in.

    "Can I?" He asked, his voice not seeming very nervous and his expression full of... affection? You weren't sure. You weren't even fully sure what he was asking but you nodded anyway and he gently leaned in closer, pressing his lips to yours. That was what you had suspected he meant

     And you were so glad you were right.

    Almost giggling with excitement, you wrapped your arms around Heavy as best as you could since he was so big and returned the kiss. Some of the blood that was on him got on your hands but it wasn't a bunch so you didn't want. The Russian was surprisingly tender but seemed like he hadn't kissed anyone in a while. Whatever. You didn't give a damn whether or not it was perfect because it was him.

     Slowly he pulled away after a few moments and smiled. "You are great," Heavy said. Overjoyed, you took his hand to head inside but he stopped and pointed up at the sky. "Look."

      The clouds had cleared and while the snow was still coming down, it was much more gentle than earlier. It mixed with the stars above, which you could see now, as bright and clear as diamonds.

        "I know you like them," Heavy said with a smile.

     "I do," you said with a grin. "And I don't exactly like the cold, but snow and stars look really nice together."

       "Well," he said, pointing at the coat you had on. "At least you have my coat."

     "I'm still gonna find a way to pay you back for that," you said with a laugh.

     He just smiled as you both headed inside.   

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