Chapter 20- Last Day's

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"I don't this is what Chiron had in mind when he said he would let us make it snow here." I said looking around at the snow filled camp that cancelled practically all the activities.

"I don't think we really care." Loki said laying in the snow as if it's not cold as I watched some of the younger campers attempt at building a snowman.

"You know, I think we may have scored some points with Dionysus though." I said sitting down in the snow also not as affected by it.

I could see Loki frown while his eyes were closed giving off a relaxed aurora, "How did we score point with that drunk?" Loki asked

"He doesn't have to interact with the kids and I don't think they're bothering him." I said also laying down in the snow but stared up at the sky watching the snow fall.

"Do they ever bother him?" Loki retorted as I raised an eyebrow in his direction before shrugging.

"Probably not." I said as a voice to my left said, "We definitely don't."

Looking in the corner of my eye I saw that it was Luke again, "What are you two doing anyways?" Luke asked hugging his coat closer probably hating the cold.

"We're relaxing." Loki said and to add effect I put my arm behind my head and stared at the sky.

"How are you not freezing though?" Luke asked.

I stared at him and blankly said, "Loki had Frost giant blood and I'm son of Poseidon who can swim in water that are below zero."

Luke looked a little confused and thoughtful, "Duly noted. I'm going to go find Annabeth, she's been wanting me to help her and Thalia build a stupid snowman." Luke said and I knew the look he was showing and smirked.

"Thalia kept singing 'Do you want to build a snowman' hasn't she until you relented?" I asked grinning while Luke growled at me.

"I hate how you had to show the entire camp that stupid movie. Hermes Cabin will have their revenge." Luke said trying to be threatening.

"Too bad we're leaving tomorrow." Loki said not at all fazed by what Luke said.

Luke looked confused and possible hurt but I was sometimes clueless when it came to reading people, "You're leaving tomorrow?" he asked

I nodded and started to get up, "Technically we're leaving tonight, but yeah. Family Reunion time. We already spent like a week here just hiding out it's time to get it over with." I said shaking some of the snow off me and holding out a hand for Loki.

Loki pushed my hand away and continued to relax under the sun and snow as I rolled my eyes, "I'll help you build a snowman. Least I could do." I said with a shrug.

Luke seemed to be happy and I followed him through the snow until we met up with Thalia and Annabeth who after being confronted about the invasion told her I was sorry for calling her a kid.

It's funny because after apologizing we turned out to be pretty good friends and I just knew it made Poseidon and Athena annoyed but not too mad. I was their favorite (well Athena to a degree, she enjoys having conversations with Loki about obnoxious brothers and words that I don't understand but I think are insults).

It was actually fun just hanging out people who don't see me as The Adoptive Son, or The Freak of Asgard, and then there are those who don't see me as royalty because I wasn't a bloodline to the throne.

Overall, just hanging out and having fun with people who don't see me as something out of this world, it was nice to say the least.

So it was disappointment that rained down on me when I waved Luke, Annabeth, and Thalia goodbye when they had to retreat back to their designated cabins and Loki appeared next to me.

After a moment of silence he said, "This is gonna suck isn't it?"

"Probably." I confirmed.

"You hate this don't you?"

"Just a bit."

Loki sighed as we started walking toward the camp border, "Are we going to catch a ride and prolong or just teleport?" Loki asked after we exited camp.

"I'd rather not somehow stumble upon a drunk, you remember last time." I said and glared at Loki when he started to laugh.

"It wasn't funny." I hissed at him annoyed.

"The guy hitting on you while you were totally awkward. Yes, it was pretty funny." Loki said laughing as I narrowed my eyes and smacked him hard on his shoulder and was satisfied when he flinched and rubbed his arm.

Then I had a dangerous thought, "If you tell anyone about that day, I'll tell them about Sigyn." I said grinning while my eyes glinted with mischievous and playfulness especially when Loki hissed at me.

"We do not speak of the devil's name." Loki hissed as his eyes glinted dangerously.

"Then we don't speak of the drunk and I won't talk about the woman who tried to hit on you every single time she saw you, or the fact that she practically flew and would kiss the ground beneath your feet." I said smirking.

"I'll tell them about your little old crush on Sif." Loki challenged.

I held up on finger and slowly said, "Artemis." and watched with satisfaction when Loki deflated and sighed.

"Fine we won't talk about any of our stupid embarrassing stories. Just, let's not mention that story please." Loki said sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed when I smirked victoriously.

"Ready or not, we're having a Family Reunion." I said smirking while grabbing onto Loki as I made both of us teleport.


So, I was never good at landing and where we are going to land so ending up standing on the middle of a coffee table while the Avengers were sitting back, the mess made by Centauri still around but they were focused on the TV in front of them.

They let out shocked voices and each went for designated weapon when I placed my hands in the air when two guns, a bow and arrow, shield being ready to be thrown, hammer pointed at me, and repulser were aimed at me. Thankfully Mr.Green hasn't come out but was standing behind the others incase he was needed.

"I think it's time we had a family talk." I said looking at Thor seriously.

I saw Thor narrow his eyes slightly before they lit up, "Mother will be overjoyed." Thor said grinning madly and I restrained from rolling my eyes.

Loki didn't hold back rolling his eyes and I watched as Thor smile fell a bit when he saw it but he still made the effort to smile which I kept noted.

"Shall we call Heimdall?" I asked tilting my head.

"Uh, I think Pirate wants Reindeer Games watched when he goes back to Asgard." Tony Stark said his Iron Man arm still pointed at us.

"We can set a meeting point where he can oversee the transportation." I waved my hand dismissively.

"Then it'll be arranged." Black Widow, or I guess Natasha, said her voice cold as her face revealed nothing.

(Book 1) Perseus Jackson-Odinson: Brother of Thor and Loki *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now