Back to School

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"Zoro if you don't get up we are going to be  late for school" Robin calmly stood next to the bed, dressed in her school uniform, which was a short black skirt, a white blouse with a tie and a beige blazer.

"Fine.." Zoro rubbed his head and got out of bed

"Get changed and i will make you some breakfast" Robin told Zoro making her way downstairs

Zoro put his uniform on which was black pants, a white shirt with a tie and a beige blazer. He made his way downstairs to see Robin eating some cereal and a bowl across from her from himself.

After they both finished, they left the house, Zoro was about to start walking down the path when Robin asked "Where are you going?"

"To school" Zoro obviously answered 

"Don't you want a lift" Robin asked walking towards her car

"Sure" Zoro answered and got in the car with her.


Robin pulled up to the school and parked in the car park, they both got out the car, said they would meet here after school and went there separate ways to meet up with their friends.

Zoro met up his friends Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper and Vivi.

While Robin met up with her friends Franky, Brook, Viola, Ace and Hancock.


"Hey its Zoro!" Luffy shouted, while Zoro walked over to them.

"Great, the moss-head is here" Sanji whined, as Zoro glared daggers at him.

"Whatever eyebrows, what you guys up to?" Zoro asked the crew

"Eating food!" Luffy shouted

"Playing on my phone" Usopp answered 

"Studying medicine" Chopper whispered

"Helping lovely ladies!" Sanji shouted

"Drawing charts" Nami mumbled

"Reading a book" Vivi answered  

"Geez, not all a once" Zoro sweat-dropped


"Robin over here!" Franky shouted, as Robin walked into the cantine

Robin made her way over to the table full of her friends and sat next to Hancock.

"How are you today, Robin?" Brook asked politely

"I'm good thank you Brook and don't bother asking the other question" Robin chuckled

"How's your new house Robin?" Viola asked

"It's really nice and spacious, thanks for asking" Robin answered 

"Ace!" Hancock shouted

"Yes?" Ace answered annoyed

"May i come round to your house and see Luffy tonight, he is so adorable!"

"For the last time Hancock, your not coming round!" Ace shouted 

"Fine, hmph" Hancock replied while pouting

The bell then rang.

"Lets get going!" Ace shouted.


The first two lessons of school were over and it was now break time, Zoro and his group of friends, were hanging round the back of the school, which was not a wise idea, a most of the rough people from Robins year go there.

"Guys maybe we should go back to the field?" Nami suggested obviously scared

"Yeah i agree" Vivi said

"Me three" Said Usopp

"Me four" Said Chopper

"Guys just think of it like a adventure!" Luffy shouted and sprinted ahead, accidently running into someone.

"crap" Zoro said and ran up to Luffy with the others

"Damn that hurt my head, what are you a brick wall!" Luffy shouted then looked up at the person he ran into. He was tall and had slicked back black hair, and a stitch going straight across his face.

"Move you little shit" the guy said

"Hey! you can't tell me wha-" 

Before Luffy could even finish his the sentence the guy kicked him in the stomach.

Luffy fell to the floor in agony, the others caught up to Luffy and stood around, but then loads of other guys appeared from no where and surrounded the group.

The seven kids were scared and didn't no what to do, when suddenly some of the guys behind them started to fall over in pain, the seven kids apart from Luffy turned around to see what was happening when six tall figures walked up to them, Zoro instantly recognised Robin, she looked at him with a concerned and worried face.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size" Ace shouted, full of anger.

The guy signalled his men and then they all walked off.

Ace immediately ran up to Luffy and asked him if he was alright, while Luffy nodded in response.


At the end of the school day, Zoro exited the school building and made his way over to the carpark, and spotted Robin's car, he saw her standing next to her car but there was someone else there, Zoro realised it was the guy from break.

Zoro instantly started to walk over there, but stopped when he saw the guy kiss Robin, Robin instantly pulled away though and slapped him, the guy then grabbed both of Robin's wrist and stopped her from moving.

Zoro may be short but from all his training he could still pack a punch, he ran over there and punched the guy in the gut.

"Zoro!" Robin shouted surprised yet glad to be free

"Come on, let's go" Zoro said and got in the car

Robin hesitated at first but then got in the car and started it up

"This isn't over!" the guy shouted while clutching his stomach.


During the journey home, Zoro asked "Who the hell is that guy"

Robin sighed and replied "His name is Crocodile, in all honesty i believe the guy justs want to get me in bed" She paused  "he always tries stuff, but he has never tried to be forceful like before, and when he hit ace's brother, im so sorry about that"

"He is a right arse, promise me you will never date him" Zoro said angrily 

"Zoro, who do you take me for?, i would never go out with someone like him"

"Good keep it like that"    

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