Leaving for College

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Zoro POV

It had now been a year since Robin had moved in next to me, i guess we have sort of become good friends, probably because we see a lot of each other.

But we won't be seeing each other for a while now, because Robin is leaving for college tomorrow, she's 18 years old now, an adult, so she won't have time for a 9 year old.

God i sound like a 3 year old whining because they can't have something, why was i so bothered anyway, she was just another girl anyway, well i guess woman now, but she wasn't annoying like Nami or to helpful or polite like Vivi, not that there is anything wrong with that, but still Robin was i don't know cool i guess? nah she is more than cool.

Well none of this matters anyway, she's going for three years at college and then she is moving country to pursue her dream of becoming an archaeologist, so god knows how long she will be gone and if she will even come back.

The time was 00:03, tomorrow was Saturday, Robins mum Olivia had a bit of a celebration party for her getting accepted to college, me and dad went but not for long as it was more for adults and i had nothing to do, i didn't even get to talk to Robin so that was a bummer.

I should probably get some sleep, so i can get up tomorrow to wave Robin off.


The Next Day Robin POV

i woke up at 7:00, i got up brushed my teeth,had a shower, dried my hair, got changed, put a little bit of makeup on, and then ate breakfast.

Today was the day.

I couldn't believe it had finally come i was overwhelmed with joy yet also a little upset, as i was going to miss everyone so much but i would be sure to stay in contact with them all.

I had all my bags packed already as i did yesterday before the party, I walked outside with my mum, i saw Mr Roronoa and Zoro who was sitting on a fence looking moody like always, i giggled at this which caught his attention, he looked at me at his face lit up a bit.

Zoro jumped off the fence and him and his dad put my bags into the trunk of my car.

"Thank you guys" i said politely 

" No problem at all Robin, i wish you best of luck" Zoro's dad replied and came over to hug me.

We both let go and i turned to look at Zoro, " I'm going to miss you Zoro" i said smiling

"Yeah,  guess i'll miss you too"

"Awww thanks Zoro" I said then hugged him and kissed him on the cheek making him go bright red, which i giggled at.

I then looked at my mother and teared up a little.

"Don't cry Robin, you will have a great time" Olivia said then hugged me

" I love you mum"

"I love you to Robin, now go or you will be late" I saw her tear up a bit to

I got into my car and pulled out of the driveway, i looked at everyone and waved and they all waved back, i then drove off starting my new life.

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