Chapter 2 new pack members

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Hey guys sorry the last chapter was so short. Here you go


The clock struck 12 and my bones were on fire. I Cathy Marie let out a blood curdling scream.


My dad rushed over to me and brought me to the backyard. My mum and my brothers hot on his tail. (no pun intended) My arm snapped and I screamed. My other arm snapped and I screamed again. My dad set me down on the ground and backed up. My feet snapped, then my legs, then a very painful break to the face. I heard my dad faintly say "This is the worst it is almost over." Then my spine snapped and I screamed.

The fire stopped and my dad said " you must stay here no matter how much you want to go, you must stay here." What is he talking about all my bones are broken? Then the fire started up again and this time it was 10 times worse. My bones were rearranging and my face was elongating. I felt something shoot out of my skin. I got the sudden urge to run, my bones were fine and I wanted out.

I turned to run into the woods. "Stop!" I turned and bowed my head. Why in the world did I just bow my head. My dad chuckled "At least she knows her Alpha." My brothers also laughed. I was outraged. Why were they laughing at me? Stevie grabbed a mirrior and I then saw what they were laughing at.

There was a pretty red-white wolf bowing while glaring maybe. Then I started to laugh and it came out as some choking sound. I immediatly stopped and sat down looking at them as if telling them to tell me what is going on.

"Cathy you are a werewolf or shifter. Your brothers, your mum and I are also werewolves. Stevie, Eddie and Brody shifted last week. You shift the first time a week before your 18 birthday in the town you were born in. Since you were in Spain you didn't get to shift. Your mother is a blonde wolf, I am a brown wolf, and your brothers are carmelish colored wolves.You have a special coloring, the last red-white wolf was born over 100 years ago. I will tell you more about that tomorrow. I'l tell you the basics. Alpha is the one in charge of a pack. I am Alpha and Xander will be Alpha when I step down. Beta is second in charge and my beta is Mr. Z, your new principle. Xander will pick a new Beta when he is Alpha. Every shifter has a mate. Your mate is your soulmate. When your eyes meet, you will feel like you are the only people in the world. When you touch you will feel sparks. Then you start the mating process. First you meet. Then you kiss. Then the male marks the female. And finally you do some .. ermm.. other things."

I nodded.

"Alright you need to shift back. Zane grab her some clothes." Zane got my clothes then my family turned around.

"Think of your human form." It took about 5 minutes to shift back but I managed.

"I'm going to bed see you all in the morning."

"It is morning cathy and Happy Birthday you four."

"Alright bye peoples and Xander dont be a wise wolf."

I walked to my room and went under the blankets and was out like a light.



Next morning.

I was sleeping peacefully in bed until I heard 'Cathy Marie get your fat, lazy arse out of bed.' I reached my fist out to punch someone but hit air. I used my other fist on the other side and hit nothing. I sat up and realized there wasn't anyone in my room. There wasn't any strange smells in my room.

Maybe it's a ghost I thought. Why am I jumping to conclusions? I put on my woodstock slippers as I heard laughter and comments like 'a ghost!?' and 'Is she serious?'

"Who the heck the heck woke me up? Then got out of my room fast enough to not get hit?"

My brothers all raised their hands.

"I know for a fact only one person woke me up so who was it?"

"We're being serious, we all woke you up we got away fast enough with our wolfish powers."

I snorted and grabbed the milk, a bowl and Zane's Coco Puff's. I put it in the bowl with some milk and sat down at the island. I purposly chose coco puffs cause they are Zanes favorites and almost put Eddie's head through the wall when Eddie tried to eat them.

 Zane looked my way saw what I was eating and smirked. I gave him my best innocent look. He started walking towards me and I gulped.

"What are you eating there Cathy?"

"Coco Puffs?" It came out as a question.

"Why are you eating MY coco puffs?"

"Uhh the devil named Brody made me do it!"

I turned and ran and as I did I heard Brody yell,

"I am not the devil!"

I got into dad's office because he wanted to talk to me. He was sitting in his big black chair facing away from me while talking on the phone.

"Alright, thank you see you soon." Then he hung up and slowly turned around while grinning.

"Do I look like some villian? Or does it need something else?"

"Sure you look like a villian, dad whatever tickles your pickles."

"It isn't pickle, it's 'whatever tickles your peach.'" I shrugged.

"Who were you talking to?"

"It was the Alpha of the pack next town over. The Green FIre Pack. Their already small pack got attacked and now it's even smaller. I let them join our pack and you probably don't care right now."

"Not in the slightest. Is there anything we can do as shifters?"

"Our smelling, hearing, sight, and speed improves. You can talk to your pack in your mind in human or wolf fo-"

"Ahah that is how they woke me up this morning. Sorry please continue."

"Alright there isn't much more about this. Let me tell you the legend of the red-white wolf. White wolves are spirit wolves. They can create storms ad so on and so forth. Red wolves are stronger and faster than Alpha's who are stronger then regular wolves. About 10,000 years ago, there was two wolves a red male wolf and a white she-wolf. They were mates. Amelia, the white wolf became pregnant with the red wolf's pup. Amelia had a run in with a witch and the witch cursed her child. The curse was 'One week after this wolf turns 18 she will die and until she gets revenge on the power thirsty one, she will be reincarnated into another she-wolf until the curse has been broken.' You may or may not break the spell. Now that you know this we should get ready to greet the Alpha and Beta of the Green Fire pack. They will be here in half an hour."

We walked out of his office and when I got to the foyer I was side tackled by Zane. I landed on the ground and pushed him off me into the wall. Thankfully he didn't break the lamp.

"Zane, we have guests coming soon. Now tidy up the foyer." I said while tapping my finger. As I walked up the steps to my room I heard him mutter somthing like "Evil she-wolf."

"I heard that mister now tidy up the foyer." I got to my room grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a tshirt that probably belonged to xander and some undergarments. I went into my bathroom, stripped, and got in the shower. I got out, dried off, and put on my clothes. I checked my phone and saw I had 5 minutes till the Alpha and Beta came. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked down to the foyer.

I walked in and saw Zane cleaning up. I smirked and said "Good boy. Do you want  treat?" I said it like a person would a dog and he rolled his eyes. Then the doorbell rang. We looked at each other, then took off running to the door.

When I got there, I did a victory dance. Then I opened the door and said "Hello My name is Ca-" Then my jaw dropped and I saw the hottest, sexiest man alive.










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