Chapter 6 Soccer Try-outs

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Chapter 6 Soccer Try-outs




Cathy Marie's POV

Today was the day of the soccer tryouts. I rolled around in my bed as my alarm clock, also known as Brody and Angie, jump on my bed trying to knock me off. I rolled over one more time only to faceplant with my floor.


Brody cracked up laughing and threw my uniform at me. I imagined Abby rolling her eyes as I laid face down on the ground. I pushed myself off the floor and smacked Brody upside the head. He grinned at me and ran from my room. Angie took her uniform and walked to my bathroom.

"Sure, you can use the bathroom first."

Angie walked out of the bathroom and rolled her eyes at me. She made an 'after you' gesture and did a little bow. I chuckled and walked into the bathroom. I got a quick shower, pulled my a clothes on and pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

I walked out of the bathroom and said

"All yours Angie."

~Don't go using your sarcasm on me, young lady.~

"Yes Mom."

She rolled her eyes at me and walked into the bathroom. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Zane was eating Coco Puffs, Brody, Stevie and Xander were nowhere to be found and Eddie was making eggs.

"Eddie, would you like to make me some eggs and bacon?"

"Cathy who do you think I'm making the eggs for? I ate breakfast already."

"Well how was I supposed to know that?"

"You could have looked in the sink and saw the eggs shells."

"Don't go using sarcasm with me young man."

"I'm older than you."

He grabbed a plate and put a pile of eggs on it.

"Here you go."

"Thanks Eddie."

I munched on my eggs and waited for Angie to come down. About five minutes after I finished my eggs Angie came downstairs in a hoodie and the skirt covered in purple, blue, red and green paint. To say she was furious would be an understatement.

~Your brothers are so dead. You better have something to do to them.~

"Cathy, Angie, I better not be included in that plan."

~How did he know what i was saying?~

"I can sign too. I learned awhile ago."

~Well it's a good thing that you're not included.~

Angie and I planned it out very carefully. I walked to the sports room so I could get my soccer gear for the tryouts today. I found my shinguards in one corner, my brand new cleats in one corner, my gaterade in another, and my water bottle in another. I grabbed my bag from Spain, threw my stuff in it. My cleats I just bought yesterday. They were the Nike Women's Libretto's. They are blue and silver. I heard a horn honk, meaning Will was here to pick me up like everyday. I grabbed my soccer bag and school bag and headed out to the car.

"Hey Will, I have soccer tryouts later so I'm leaving my bag in the car and then I'll grab it at the end of the day."

"That's fine just remind me at lunch so I remember."


I played around with the radio until we got to school. I hopped out of the car and dragged Angie with me. She has been riding with me and Will when she was over at my house. She was adopted so her foster parents didn't mind her staying at my house. I think it also had to do with the fact that they would be leaving her with their future Alpha.

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