Chapter 4 The Party

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Hey thanks to my new fans, this chapter is dedicated to abbynormal321. Thanks hope you enjoy 




Cathy Marie's POV



Then I walked downstairs.


As soon as I was off the stairs someone grabbed my hand and by the sparks I knew it was Will.

"You look lovely tonight may I take you outside?"

"Why yes, yes you may." I said in a fake British accent, which I nailed because I imitated the trainers at the Spain thing way too much.

We walked outside to the deck which was set up with food and such, so Dad could cook lunch. We walked down the stairs to where everyone was. After about walking five steps I saw my best friend in the whole world, Popsicle.


"Huh wait, Fruit Bar!!"

I ran over to him and jumped on his back.

"Where have you been I didn't see you before I went to Spain?"

"My mom sent me too a boarding school in San Fransisco I got home around 4th of July."

"oh stinks. Spain was amazing wait hold on I have a question for you."

I leant down to his ear and whispered,

"Are you a werewolf, too?"

He chuckled then whispered really loudly in my ear

"Yes. I guess you shifted this yesterday."

"Naah last night."

Then Xander who had been talking to his group of friends near us yelled

"It was this morning Cathy."

I yelled back

"O Shush you."

"Uhh, Fruit Bar, who is the sexy guy behind you?" Yes, he is gay, one of the only reasons I have a boyish friend.

"That is Will. He was the Beta of the Green Fire Pack. He is my mate so don't get any ideas MIster."

"Cathy I am right here I can speak for myself."

"Hello Will, if you do anything to hurt her and she breaks up with you I am most likely available. O and my name is Skylar but you can call me Sky."

"Ok well me and Cathy are going to walk around I want to talk to her other brothers."

"Bye Popsicle."

"Bye Fruit Bar."

We turned and walked about 10 yards before I heard Sky yell

"Happy Birthday Fruit Bar."

I laughed and we kept walking. We found Brody and Stevie with a group of guys by the edge of the forest.

"Hey guys happy birthday."

Stevie glared at me and then I realized he obviously missed the unibrow I gave him. Brody leaned over to him and whispered

"Do you think Cathy is ok, she's wearing a dress?"

"Mom and dad blackmailed her, if she didn't wear it she wasn't allowed to have Red Bull for a year."

"Wow harsh blackmail."

I couldn't hold my laughter anymore and started cracking up.

Everyone stared at me confused. I did my best to point at Stevies face because I was clutching my stomach from laughing. I had made sure to make the unibrow look real. They looked at his face and soon everyone but Stevie was laughing. Stevie thought I was pointing to something behind him.


"What are you laughing at?"

"Dude you missed it there was this bunny at the edge of the forest and It started doing some really strange dance. It was like a mix between a disco and a square dance." One of his friends said.

"Aww dang it I can't belive I missed it!"

I couldn't help but start laughing again at his stupidity. Then everyone realized that Will was standing next to me. Brody was the first to say something,

"Cathy Marie Lunne, why is there some guy behind you?"

"Shush you, this is Will he is my mate so you can't get rid of him without making your favorite sister upset."

"Your not my favorite sister, Brody is."

"O great first I'm a devil under the commands of Cathy and now I'm a GIRL!! Sheesh aren't you people nice. I.. I thought you were my family."

He said the last sentence in a saddish voice and then started to fake sob. We just laughed at him. The rest of the night Will and I stayed there except for when we were dancing and getting food. We were outside with the pack untill about 8. That's when the older people left so that the kids could party. We were outside till atleast 2. Will stayed with me and we fell asleep. It was the best sleep I had in awhile. And Stevie never figured out what we were laughing at. I took about 30 pictures. These are so going on Facebook.





                   Amy Lunne

Mother of Xander, Zane, Eddie, Cathy Marie, Stevie and Brody.

Status: Alpha Female

                   Elliot Lunne

Father of Xander, Zane, Eddie, Cathy Marie, Stevie and Brody.

Status: Alpha

                  Xander Lunne

Eldest Lunne son

Status: Soon-to-be Alpha

                  Zane Lunne

2nd oldest Lunne son

                  Edward Lunne

3rd oldest Lunne son

                   Cathy Marie Lunne

Middle child, only girl

Status: Used to be Beta of Green Fire Pack's mate

                   Steven Lunne

2nd youngest Lunne son

                    Brody Lunne

Youngest son in Lunne family

                    Will Smith

Cathy Marie's 'mate'

Status: Used to be Beta of Green Fire pack

                 Skylar Evans (Popsicle)

Cathy's best friend and is gay






8:36 P.M.

October 17, 2011

Hey people thanks for all the support in this story and as I said I really would like an editor if anyone is intrested PM me or just leave a comment saying I'd like to be your editor or something like that. Thanks for all the support in the story and hope you enjoy the chapter!!!!!


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