Chapter 3 Wait you're not the Alpha?

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October 10, 2011



Hey people who are reading this, If you want a good laugh read '51 Things Emmet Cullen is not Allowed to do.' It is so funny. I know in my profile it says I don't like Twilight but the list is hilarious!!

Anywho song to the side is Playing God by Paramore. It has absolutly nothing to do with the chapter I am just in love with it. Enjoy the Chapter!!!








**********Cathy Marie's POV****************

I stared at him for a good 5 minutes until Zane, being the idiot he was, decided to flick me in the temple making me loose balance.

"Zane you made me loose my balance not cool dude."

"Can't loose what you never had Cath."

I huffed and turned my attention to the sexy guy in the doorframe. 

"As I was saying, Hello Alpha, my name is Cathy Marie Lunne I am the Alpha's daughter and this is my idiotic older brother Zane. My other brothers are around the house. Zane tell dad the Alpha is here."

"Excuse me" He said in a deep husky voice. "I am not the Alpha I'm the Beta, the Alpha's mate went into labour so he stayed with her. My name is Will, I hope that I will spend time with you Cathy Marie seeing as we are mates."

When he said my name my stomach was doing somersaults.

"Ok today if you are not busy the pack, I guess, is celebrating 3 of my brother and my birthday so I guess you can join us."

"I will most definatly join you today. I must talk to your father now, I'm sorry."

He walked to my fathers office, most likely just following Zane's scent. I got bored of just standing there so I went to the game room. When I got there I saw that Xander and Brody were wrestling for control of, most likely, Xander's Wii remote. They were playing Mario Cart again. After watching them call each other names and hitting each other I finally said,

"Brody stop being a dang devil and give the remote back to Zander!"

"The devil leader named Cathy Marie made me do it."

"Ooo so now I'm leader now?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"She got you there Brody."

"Stay out of this Xander." He obviously didn't have a good comeback.

"I had a good comeback I just didn't want to hurt your feelings by saying it."

"Lies. Xander how do I keep people out of my mind?"

"Pretend your building a wall around your thoughts."

"Ok. Thank you."

I looked over to my seat that I sit in and saw that Stevie had fallen asleep upside down, mouth open and drool coming out of his mouth on MY seat.

"Anyone have a sharpie?" I asked with a devious grin on my face.

******1 hour later********


Xander and Brody started cracking up while Eddie looked at me and shook his head and Zane said,

"I would get down there if I were you."

I groaned and slowly got out of my very comfy bean bag. I trudged as slow as possible down to the game room.

When I got there,  stood up straight put on an inoocent face and tried not to laugh. Earlier I took the sharpie that Brody had in his pocket and gave him a fake moustache, a long creepy beard, a unibrow and wrote 'Property of the Poops'. I also tied his shoes together so that when he got up he would fall over.

When I walked in, to day he was mad was an understatement. He was fuming. His face was red, his fists were clenched, and with the black sharpie he looked hilarious.

"What did you do to my face?"

"Me, why do you think it was me?" I figured playing dumb was the best choice I had right now.

"A. When I got up your scent was all around the seat. B. Zane and Eddie weren't down here recently and Brody and Xander were across the room."

'But that's my chair no wonder it smells like me. Isn't that what your face always looks like though?" I asked in a teasing matter.

"You haven't sat in this chair for over a year now. I think that was you."

Crab apples! I was caught. Turning around I ran up the steps and into Dad's office.


I laughed and when I got into my dad's office everyone was looking at me.

"Cath, how many times are you going to run into my office today? Also, why are you in my offce again?"

"Probably about 4 more times and because Stevie was chasing me because I drew on his face."

"Well the meeting is about over so you need to get dressed for the party because everyone is going to be over in an hour. Will said he is going to stay and get to know you better. Your mother picked an outfit out for you and if you don't wear it you don't get to have any more Red Bull for a year."

"Fine I will wear the outfit. Mum where is it and do I have to wear heels?"

"The outfit is in my room and yes, but they're only 1 inch so you will survive."

I groaned "Fine but I might just end up taking off the shoes and walking around barefoot."

"If you didn't I would think the school taught you something about being a women."

"Haha very funny just get me the outfit."

I followed her to her room and gotthe outfit. It wasn't as bad as I expected it was a deep purple dress(Which is my favorite color) with a white ribbon under my chest.

"Go take this upstairs and put some make up on."

I ran upstairs with the dress and black shoes and quickly stripped and hopped in the shower. After a quick shower, I put on some undergarments and the dress and shoes. I just straghtened my incredibly long black hair and put a little mascara an lip gloss on.

I then walked downstairs.






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