chapter 1

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This story is @copyright 2016 by dejahnayrose

Josana Nazari^^ pronunciation (Joe-sah-na)

I dash towards the De'locore hotel with my work shoes in hand, I'm already 10 minutes late and running in wedged heels wasn't helping. I'd really like to kick the person who decided we should work in heels. 

I run past a few people glaring at me but I can care less. I'll be living off ramen noodles for the next couple of weeks if I don't get to work on time. I turn the corner seeing the familiar royal blue company jacket and cinnamon brown hair , when I finally get to the entrance I give Matthew my bag quickly, fixing my clothes and stepping into my shoes .

" late again? " Matthew asks knowingly

"Yeah I overslept and honestly I can't deal with the lecturing today , okay ?" I say grabbing my bag out of his hands.

He never stops with the self righteous act and I'm just not in the mood for it today. I know I have a problem with tardiness and I'm working on it.

"Fine, it's your job that's at risk here not mine " he says shrugging his shoulders like he doesn't care.

"At least fix your hair before Mackenzie sees you, she's early today and she'll lose it if she finds out you're late again"

"She's already here? Shit! " I quickly take a couple rubber bands from my bag, putting my hair in a low bun.

"Hurry up , she just started doing rounds to make sure everything's in order, there's a special guest coming in today apparently" Matthew opens the door for me, as I speed walk to the staff room.

Staff members are not allowed to use the front entrance of the hotel, its for guest use only but it's much faster, so I take my chances from time to time. The back entrance lead through the kitchen which is always a mess at this time of the morning. With staff all over the place, I'm guaranteed at least a 5 minute delay.

I signed a breath of relief when I see no sign of Mackenzie in the locker room. While removing my coat , I hear shuffling coming from the row behind me. I close my locker before walking to the next Isle giggling at my friend's stupidity of trying to push a thousand things in her locker all at once.

"Jessica it's never going to fit " I say peaking my head from behind her locker door.

" Jesus Christ Jo! you scared the shit out of me" she jumps back grabbing on to her locker door for support. I quickly take in her appearance, bags under her eyes, messy hair and  tooth paste on her chin.

"What happened to you? You look horrible"

She takes a brush quickly gathering her hair into our mandatory low bun.

"Wow , compliments so early in morning, thanks for the boost of confidence " her words stained with sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, but you have toothpaste on your chin and you're running  late, that's normally my thing. What happened to you?"

"I'm fine, just exhausted Nicholas kept me up all night, so I overslept " she grabs a wet wipe from her bag, wiping her chin.

"Did you guys go clubbing or something?"

She shakes her head finally getting her locker closed.

"He's going to Chicago for three weeks to take care of his mom until they appoint a live in nurse to stay with her after he leaves " I nod thinking back to last week when she left work early, in tears after finding out Nick's mother had a severe stroke.

" She can't really do much for herself so for now he's going to help her get back on her feet. So he came over last night and we had a little going away party and I-"

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