Chapter 3: Roaming Around

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There felt like there was no home for me. Sure Hufflepuff has my friends but Hufflepuff gives me memories of Cedric. My home back on the eastern side of London, has my mom but it's full of pictures of my dad who dies a few months before I was born. I could go and run wild but I don't know if I would survive. I push my body off my bed so I could breathe. I was laying down with my face in the pillow. Thinking because thinking is all I do. I roll onto my back and sit up. I write a note in a journal. I open it up to the first page and write, "Belongs To Emily Henderson in Hufflepuff," in big bold letters. In the next page I write,
September 24th
I dream about Cedric every night. He whispers in my ear things I didn't know about him when he was alive. Things about the future and the present. Mostly the past. My crush on Harry in growing. Like blood soaking up on a white tee shirt. All I can think of is blood, power, Voldemort, and love. I cry and think my days away. I sleep the least I can. Umbridge, our new teacher, is a jerk. She works for the ministry. That's all you need to know.
I closed my book and lock it into my nightstand. I bit my lip and got dressed. I straightened my hair out. I walked down stairs and headed towards the great hall. I slip and stumble over myself and fall down. While my face almost fell smack down on the pavement, I was laughing, plus someone caught me.
"Are you okay?"
I couldn't answer the voice because I was laughing so hard at myself.
"You must be a maniac for laughing at that," the voice said laughing.
I sucked in a breath and said, "I'm laughing at myself because it's so likely of myself to fall. I am clumsy and everyone knows it. Also it's weird that I have never broken a bone."
I finally look at the person who caught me. I shifted my weight back onto my feet and blushed. It was (if not obvious) Harry who caught me. He walked me back to the great hall.
"Thanks," I said with a smile.
"No problem. You should fall more often."
I laughed and smiled. I walked back over to Hanna.
"Someone has a date to Hogsmead," she giggled.
"Wait Hogsmead is coming up?"
"Yeah, on Halloween!"
I did the math in my head. Halloween was on the 31st and we were on the 24 of September it would be about 37ish days away.
"Hey, he could ask me..." I slowly trailed off to look at him.
He was looking at Cho like she was his true desire.
"I've got no chance compared to Cho."
"Aww, don't think that way. Plus you're way prettier than her and I've heard that she's a snitch."
I sighed then ate my breakfast.

Everyone knew I had no chance against Cho. It was her friends who were snitches anyways.

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