Chapter 9: Christmas P/1

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"George she's so cute when she sleeps."
"Yeah, let's wake her up!"
Instead I pulled out a water gun and sprayed them them fell asleep again.
"Ugh Emily. WAKE UP!" Hermione shouts.
"Isn't Christmas caring about people?"
"Then if you care about me and my health, I need to gain back sleep so leave me alone."
"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Ginny sounded excited.
"I KNOW RIGHT! Now give me the best present ever and let me sleep."
"Hi Emily," said Harry.
"Are you here to wake me?"
"I was forces to."
I patted a spot on the bed. He crawled in. I kissed him and then buried my face into his chest. He combed through my hair while I fell asleep.
"HARRY! COME ON!" They shouted.
"What? She said she wanted to sleep. And it's Christmas."
"Yeah also Christmas means spending time with everyone."
I buried my head deeper into Harry's chest. Suddenly a hand was banging on my head.
"Ugh, could you have at least been nicer about it," I said yawning.
"Ugh, could you have been nicer about it?" It was Hermione.
"Mione stop being a meanie," Ginny said laughing.
"Emily you're not going to get Christmas presents," Harry whispered.
I grabbed Harry's hand and got out of bed.
"Wait a second, are you two dating."
I nodded. I walked down stairs. Mrs. Weasley gave me butter beer. I put my head on Harry's shoulder. Then we opened presents.
Fred and George: Pranking Supplies
Ron: Candy
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley: macaroons
Hanna: Blanket and Camp Halfblood shirt
Hermione: Hunger Games books 1,2,3
Ginny: Katniss and Peeta bobble heads
Harry: ?
Tonks: Candy
Mad Eye: A broomstick
Sirius: broomstick cleaner.
I was excited to find out what Harry got me. Suddenly arms grabbed me. Soon I was in a storage closet. With Harry.
"I just wanted to give you your Christmas present."
It was a doe. My patronus figure. I smiled and kissed him hard. It was a silhouette of a doe on a chain, or a necklace. It was mad out of a diamond and was beautiful. I handed Harry a big box.
He opened it and frowned.
"What?" I was kinda upset with the look on his face.
"I was not excepting this."
He pulled it out. I was close to crying. He held up the scrapbook that I was working on. It had drawings, pictures, and words and it took me forever.
Forever, was on the cover in big bold letters.
"Is it th-at bad?"
"Whoa! You think your present was bad! No no no! I was saying I could find one single picture of you."
I hadn't put a picture me in there because that would have felt selfish.
"Then you better take one."
He laughed and pecked me on the lips. The kiss was harder and stronger though. He pulled me closer. My hands got tangled in his hair.
"Then let me take one," he said in a breath.
We were snogging.

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