Chapter 7: Beat That Cho. Oh you already did...;(

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After our final DA practice Harry walked over to me.
"Hey do you want to spend Christmas with us?" I smiled and nodded.
He smiles so big I thought it was impossible to go any higher or wider.
I grabbed my bag on the way out. Fred and George went to talk with Harry. I walked with Hanna on my way out. Suddenly when we get to the common room, I couldn't find my journal. Hanna finding me thrashing around my room.
"What are you looking for?"
"My journal! It's not here!"
"Okay let's go look for it at the place, you know?"
She walked me back to the room of requirement.
"Hey what's so special about this journal?"
"It is kinda private."
"Oh okay."
We walked to the room and open the door. I found my journal laying on the ground. I grabbed it and looked up. Hanna looked up too.
"Oh Emily, I'm so sorry," she whispered. My heart is shattered. I wanted to rip every page out of the journal. Instead I walked out. I stormed off to the common room. I raced to the bathroom and sat down. I cried my heart out. It was like a sunken ship that is far from repairing. Cedric was gone. I am bullied. Harry doesn't love me the way I love him. Wasn't I supposed to be a beautiful powerful Veela. Instead I am this ugly weak nerd. I suddenly opened my journal and wrote,
December 18th,
Harry loves Cho. That's all you need to know.
I sighed. I drew a sorrow picture. It was a heart. Then I ripped out the page and ripped it in two. I cried.
"Harry...I-I-I decline."
Harry looked hurt. Harry knew something's up but he doesn't know what.
"What's going on with you Emily?"
"Harry, I-I-I-I can't tell you."
He groaned and looked hurt all over again.
Kiss me, I thought.
He got closer and hugged me.
"You can tell me anything."
My vocal cords can't but my lips can.
I reached up and touched his face. I grimaced.
"Do me a favor," Harry said, "At least think Christmas over again."
I nodded.
"Come on! Please! I know you don't want to but please!" Hermione shouted. I sighed and erased my name from the signup of Hogwarts sheet.
"Okay fine but Harry better not annoy me."
Hermione hugged me. I was going to the Black's house now for Christmas. Hanna was going on a family vacation anyways. I rushed upstairs and grabbed clothes for two weeks. Then I put in my journal and a box of pens. I put in my jewelry box too. Then I was set to go to the order of the Phoenix. We wait on the train until we come to apartments.

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