Train Station.

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Alijah pulled his hood over his dreads. He ran from the cover of the entrance to the Jubilee line, impatient to be home and out of the rain. He made a mental note to go shopping the next day. Alijah was running low on supplies. He knew he had enough for one more go before he had to re-stock.


"Gah..." Ezra breathed deeply, waiting for her head to stop spinning and her knees to stop shaking. What is wrong with me? She knew she had done that before, somewhere. But she could not remember where. She did not remember anything before the darkness. Slowly, Ezra opened her eyes again and looked around, scared caution grazing her fearlessness. There she noticed: Ezra was in a train station. She was where trains go.

"Hahahahaha" came from Ezra's mouth ina bout of ecstasy. Except, her excitement bubbled down a little as she realisedthis one was quite disused. But she was somewhere. She was in the system. Whichmeant she could go somewhere. Ezra hopped down the ledge onto the tracks,knowing that it would lead to humans, and a purpose. 

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