I See Light.

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My eyes are closed. I lie on my stomach, the wooden slats pressed against my cheek, my face, my body. One hand rests by my body, on the wood. The other hangs in mid-air, not touching anything. I listen and smell and feel. But my eyes are closed and I see nothing. And I open my eyes and I still see nothing.

My eyes are open. I lie on my back, the wooden slats pressed against my head, my hair, my legs. One hand rests by my body, on the wood. The other rests on my chest, holding my jacket. I listen and smell and feel. But my eyes are open and I see nothing. And I close my eyes and I still see nothing.

My eyes are closed. I lie on my back, the wooden slats pressed against my scalp, my back, my feet.One hand rests above my head, touching my hair, the other sticks up in the air, feeling nothing. I listen and smell and feel. But my eyes are closed and I see nothing. Suddenly, the room bursts into light and I can see. 

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