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Blurry vision greeted her as she first opened her eyes.
Even with blurry vision, excitement still floated into her stomach as she recognized the vast forest area as Starclan, a place she had not been in quite some time.
She looked around and recognized a familiar pelt approaching her.
"Charmtail? Is that you?" The young medicine cat's mentor had passed away no longer than 2 moons ago.
"Florafall, oh how I've missed you." The old healers voice greeted Florafall as she came closer.
"Oh Charmtail it's so good to see you, how are you? I've taken on a young appren-."
She was suddenly interrupted by her old friend.
"Florafall I'm afraid we haven't much time, I have something important to tell you."
By the expression held on Charmtail's face Florafall knew she mustn't waste the time they had together.
"Danger is coming to the forest, something that threatens to wipe out all of the clans from existence, including Starclan. Kin will fight kin, but in the end, four cats must think as one, and save us all."
Terror flooded Florafall's eyes as blood started to pool around her.
She looked to her mentor for help, but she was already gone.

She awoke to yowling from the nursery.

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