Chapter 3

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( Tigerkit's POV)

Tigerkit awoke to paws batting her ears.
"Wake up Tigerkit! Come onnn wake up!" Tigerkit recognized her brothers voice immediately.
"Bramblekit, I'm sleeping!" Tigerkit mewed, clearly annoyed with her brother.
"But today's our apprentice ceremony! Don't you remember?!" Bramblekit's words sat Tigerkit upright almost instantaneously.
They were finally going to become apprentices.
Bramblekit didn't wait for Tigerkit and bounded out of the nursery, where their mother was waiting to groom them before their ceremony.
Tigerkit let herself fully wake up before joining them right outside the nursery.
"Tigerkit, come here dear, let me groom you." Tigerkit stifled a sigh and padded over to her mother to be groomed. Before Honeysong could finish Elkstar's voice rang through the camp and everyone gathered underneath the high cliff.
"Cats of Stormclan, we have two kits that are ready to be apprenticed today." Elkstar's words sent butterflies to her stomach.
"Bramblekit, please step forward."
Tigerkit was glad Bramblekit was going first, he had always been envious of the other apprentices and she knew this would make him happy.
"Bramblekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to be apprenticed.
From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Bramblepaw.
Your mentor will be Pinefrost. I hope he passes down all he knows to you."
Tigerkit watched her brother with excitement as his new mentor stepped forward.
"Pinefrost you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have received excellent training from myself and have proven yourself to be loyal and intelligent. You will be the mentor of Bramblepaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Tigerkit watched as Bramblepaw looked up at Pinefrost with excitement glowing in his eyes as they touched noses.
Before she knew Tigerkit was stepping forward and facing her father, her nerves rising.
"Tigerkit, you have reached the age of six moons and are also ready to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Tigerpaw." Tigerpaw's heart leapt to her throat as she heard her knew name being said for the first time. "Your mentor will be Emberheart." Tigerpaw could barely contain her excitement as her mentor stepped forward to face her.
"I hope he passes down all he knows to you." Elkstar's gaze switched to Emberheart's golden brown pelt.
"Emberheart you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have recieved excellent training from Greyfur and have proven to be trustworthy and a skilled fighter. You will be the mentor of Tigerpaw and I expect you to pass down all you know to her."
Elkstar finished the ceremony and the clan waited no more than a heartbeat to shout out their new names.
"Bramblepaw! Bramblepaw! Bramblepaw! Tigerpaw! Tigerpaw! Tigerpaw!"
Tigerpaw listened in awe as the clan shouted her name.
It was a moment she would surely remember.
Sadly it didn't last for very long as her clan mates went back to their duties.
As Eaglemoon was organizing the patrols for the day, their mother, Honeysong approached Tigerpaw and Bramblepaw.
"My kits, my sweet little kits are apprentices now! What will I do now that you've left the nursery?" Honeysong looked upon her kits with pride, realizing that they really were growing up so fast.
Tigerkit couldn't help but notice a troubled expression on Bramblepaw's face.

( hey J's!! Sorry for the short chapter :( how did you guys like it?
So they're finally apprentices now. Dovekit and Moonkit aren't far behind, they're already 4 moons!! I think I will continue with Tigerpaw's POV in the next chapter as I do have some plans for her, or maybe I'll switch back to Bramblepaw?? For those wondering, I will be writing in Dovekit and Moonkit's POV's as well, just haven't quite gotten around to it yet. Hmm, I think that's all Jcat's. If you wouldn't mind taking a bit of your time to vote for each chapter it would be greatly appreciated but no pressure ;)
See you in the next chapter! (>^_^)>

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