Chapter 2

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( PLEASE READ !!! Before we start this chapter I just want to say that I will be switching POV'S quite a bit, I will let you know who's POV it is as the beginning of the chapter. I probably won't change POVS halfway through a chapter but if I do I'll try to not make it confusing •-• One last thing ^-^ Chapter 1 was in Florafall's POV but I will probably not write anymore of the story in her POV, the only reason chapter 1 was written like that is for the sake of the story. Thanks for taking the time to read this authors note and I hope you enjoy the chapter! See you at the end Jcats!)

( Bramblekits POV)
Bramblekit awoke to the sweet scent of the nursery.
It had been 3 moons since Dovekit and Moonkit had been born.
Bramblekit and Tigerkit were now 5 moons old, their apprentice ceremony quickly approaching.
He suddenly heard his name being called from across the crowded nursery.
"Bramblekit, you're awake! What took you so long?" A mischievous Dovekit poked her head out from behind her sleeping mother.
"Come and play Bramblekit! Tigerkit and Moonkit are already outside!"
The tiny kit squeaked as she bounced out of the nursery in excitement.
It may have only been 3 moons since they were born, but Bramblekit had already formed a strong bond with Dovekit and Moonkit, after all, they were kin.
Just as Bramblekit had made his way out of the nursery he heard his father, Elkstar, call a clan meeting. Bramblekit loved to listen in on the clan meetings, even though, generally, kits weren't supposed to.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather here, underneath the high cliff." Father's words rang around camp, alerting all the warriors and apprentices.
"It seems we have two kits that are ready to become apprentices today!"
As Bramblekit heard his fathers words he immediately thought he and Tigerkit were about to be apprenticed. Sadly, this was not the case as Emeraldkit and Lionkit came forward with their mother, Velvetrose, watching them with pride.
"Emeraldkit, you have reached the age of six moons, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Emeraldpaw. Your mentor will be Poppyfur. I hope she passes down all she knows to you."
Bramblekit watched enviously as Poppyfur stepped forward and Elkstar continued.
"Poppyfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Emberheart and have shown yourself to be brave and trustworthy. You will be the mentor of Emeraldpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."
As Elkstar finished, Poppyfur looked down at the nervous apprentice and they touched noses while the clan waited expectantly for Lionkit to be apprenticed. Elkstar preformed the ceremony again on Lionkit; now Lionpaw, who's mentor was Summerlake. Summerlake and Lionpaw touched noses and the whole clan cheered their new names.
"Emeraldpaw! Emeraldpaw! Emeraldpaw! Lionpaw! Lionpaw! Lionpaw!"
Bramblekit couldn't wait to become an apprentice.
He watched as the clan's excitement died down and everyone went back to their normal duties, the new apprentices and their mentors went out to explore Stormclan territory, Bramblekit watched with envy as they left camp.
Suddenly he was toppled to the ground by a huge clump of fur.
"Gotcha!" Tigerkit's amber eyes suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
"You scared me Tigerkit!" Bramblekit meowed before promptly tackling his sister.
"Kits, that's enough, go grab us some fresh kill and we'll eat together." Bramblekit's ears perked at his mothers voice. "Okay Honeysong!" Bramblekit and Tigerkit had just recently started eating fresh kill unlike most of the other, younger kits. They returned to the nursery with a vole to split between the three of them as Tigerkit and Bramblekit didn't need to eat very much to fill their bellies.
His peaceful meal was interrupted as Dovekit and Moonkit came toppling back into the nursery. "Wow look Bramblekit and Tigerkit are eating fresh kill!" He overheard their conversation and chuckled to himself.
"Hey Bramblekit can I try some?" Dovekit came up to Bramblekit, cautiously sniffing the vole. Without waiting for an answer Dovekit took a tiny sample of the fresh kill... And immediately spat it out.
"This stuff is gross! How can you eat this? Milk is much better in my opinion." Dovekit mewed as she padded over to her mother and sister.
Dovekit was definitely not afraid to speak her mind, Moonkit on the other hand had more of a mellow personality.
"Dovekit, remember you said that because when you're older that's all you'll be eating."
Bramblekit was just able to hear Moonkits small voice.
"No way am I eating that stuff, I'd rather crow food!"
Bramblekit laughed at the sisters chatter and continued with his meal.

~ ( later that night) ~

The nursery was silent, all the cats inside it sleeping, except for Bramblekit.
Try as he might he just couldn't get to sleep.
All he could do was think about what it would be like to be an apprentice,
to leave the nursery and sleep in a den with his other clan mates, and friends.
* I wonder what everybody else is thinking of...* Bramblekit's mind wandered and his gaze settled on his mother.
Suddenly a wave of sadness overcame him, all he could think about is what he would do when his kits left the nursery. * kits? I don't have kits! * Bramblekit was confused on to why his mind would unconsciously imagine such things.
And then it dawned on him.
* that's probably how Honeysong is feeling about Tigerkit and I becoming apprentices so soon, she doesn't want her little kits to grow up so fast I suppose.* Bramblekit was thinking to himself. * if that's how Honeysong is feeling, why did I think of it?* Bramblekit was generally confused, but shook the feeling off and fell into a deep sleep.

( hey J's! Sorry for the boring chapter, just what I have to do to get this story going. Just so you aren't confused when I write in stars *like this* it just means thats the cat's thoughts a.k.a. What they are thinking. Why do you think Bramblekit was imagining how Honeysong felt unconsciously? Lemme know in the comments! I'm thinking of doing Tigerkit's POV in the next chapter ¿()? It would mean the world to me if some of you guys voted on each chapter maybe??? Anyways Jcats, I'll try to update soon!
See you in the next chapter! (>^_^)>

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