Chapter 7

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(Hey Jcats! Sorry I haven't been active in sooo long :'( I won't bore you with the reasons but I'm so happy to be back on Wattpad! Once again sorry for the inactivity, hope you enjoy this chapter :))

(Tigerpaw's POV)

Tigerpaw's eyes shot open.
"WOLVES, WOLVES!" Tigerpaw could hear Bearclaw shouting from outside of the apprentice den.
She ran out of the den, not looking behind to see if any of the other apprentices were following her.
Her eyes darted around camp. Bearclaw, Nimblestep and Glowflame were being cornered by 3 wolves. Tigerpaw's paws were glued to the dusty ground of the camp, she was too scared to move. She only watched as the 3 young warriors were pushed against a large boulder that sat in the far right corner of camp.
Tigerpaw's head turned toward the opposite end of camp, 2 more wolves burst through the second entrance, their eyes hungry and bodies sleek with pure muscle.
Warriors were rushing out of their dens and before she knew it, Tigerpaw was in the midst of a battle.
It all happened so fast.
Tigerpaw whipped around and found a wolf charging towards her. Before she knew it, Skypaw and Whitefire were at her side, doing everything in their power to harm the wolf.
Skypaw leapt on top of the wolf, desperately trying to hold on while biting the wolf's back and neck.
Whitefire was running around the wolf, scratching one side, darting around to the other side and giving the wolf a nice bite.
The wolf was beginning to get frustrated, he shook with all his power and whipped Skypaw off of his back. He gave a triumphant howl as he regained his confidence. His eyes settled on Tigerpaw. She was dead meat.
She finally decided to take action. Darting forward she dodged the wolf and went under his legs, biting and scratching all that she could.
Skypaw had gotten back up and was trying to leap onto the wolf's back again.
The three cats had been joined by Summerlake.
Summerlake dove at the wolf, hooking her claws into it's side.
The wolf was outnumbered. Tigerpaw and Whitefire chased it out of camp.
One wolf was gone.
Tigerpaw had just won against a wolf! She had fought alongside her fellow clan mates and it was exhilarating!
She looked to her right in hopes to flash Whitefire a triumphant smile, but instead she found yet another wolf beside her.
This one was big.
Really big.
* where did Whitefire go off to?*
Tigerpaq looked to one side of her and found Whitefire and Summerlake running towards Skypaw, who lay unmoving on the cold ground of camp.
The wolf's muscle rippled underneath it's sleek pelt.
How was she going to fight this thing alone.
She didn't have time to call out to her other clanmates as she was being pushed behind the medicine cats den by the wolf, her clanmates were too busy fighting to notice Tigerpaws dilemma.
The wolf bared its sharp teeth at Tigerpaw.
She was trying to look for a way around the wolf.
* maybe I can slide underneath his belly...? No, too risky. I'm alone on this one, I need to choose my moves carefully* she thought to herself.
The wolf wasn't going to waste time, it lashed out at Tigerpaw. It's claws dug into Tigerpaws side, she fell to the dirt ground of camp. She was bleeding, but not too badly. She must go on.
Tigerpaw charged at the wolf, she didn't have much space as the wolf continued to push her back further in behind the medicine cat's den.
She slashed out at the wolf's nose and neck, constantly dodging from side to side, avoiding the wolf's counter attacks, doing anything just to break the skin.
The wolf wasn't looking to play games, he growled and snarled as Tigerpaw continued to cut and scrape him.
Tigerpaw heard a huge yowl and suddenly she saw Eaglemoon jump on the wolf. The wolf was startled and whipped around, but not fast enough.
Eaglemoon had jumped to one side of the wolf and had started attacking him viciously.
Tigerpaw joined in the fight, driving the wolf out from behind the medicine cats den and towards one of the exits of camp.
The two she-cats had almost driven the wolf out of camp when it suddenly lashed out at both of them with power behind its blow.
The wolf's powerful blow injured Eaglemoons leg very badly and left her lying on the ground of the camp.
When the wolf's paw hit Tigerpaw it sent her flying. She was thrown against the high cliff, and eveything went black...

( hey Jcats!! Sooo I finally published this chapter! It took me a pretty long time to write, I was having some writers block I suppose. Once again so sorry for the inactivity.
So excited for the next couple of chapters guys!
Also just a reminder that this was basically just the same as the last chapter, only in Tigerpaws POV. In the next chapter we will start off with Bramblepaw and the patrol he was asked to accompany in the last chapter. Alright Jcats thank you for reading and as always, See you in the next chapter (>^_^)>

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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