Worth it?

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I refuse to stay home cooped up in the house with Damon. We haven't said two words to each other since our little blowout. And honestly I wasn't about the force him to talk, he obviously doesn't like that.

I wanted to go out and I will.

I pick up my phone and call my best friend Cynthia.
Cynthia is always ready to party.
On the third ring, Cynthia picked up.
"oh what did he do wrong now," Cynthia asks right off the bat.
"Damn no hello or anything just straight into it. How do you even know somethings wrong." I say very amusedly.
"Bitch because that's the only time you ever call me. You both are so far up each other's ass you don't even step out into the real world anymore"
"I'm sorry girl, you know I love you. And I will try to keep my head out of his ass OK ,because at this rate I might just replace it with my foot." I say laughing.

"Damn it's that bad this time". She inquired.

"I just don't know Cyn, I just feel like it's not working. I love him and I know he loves me but-"
"So what's the problem, cause it sounds perfect right now". She cut me off

Rolling my eyes I continued "like I was saying because I was so rudely interrupted, yes we love each other but does it mean anything if we don't see each other".

"Listen to me, Nicky! Love is not easy, but let me ask you something and if the answer is yes then it's worth it. Does he make you feel good?"

When I didn't  answer she continued "Does he treat you like a queen? Does he know your worth? Do you support each other? Do you push each other to be the best you can be?"

"Yes", I whisper not wanting to her to hear me
"Sorry bitch I didn't hear you". I can hear her smirk through the phone.

"YES" I yell into the phone. "Yes ok damn it..." I go silent for a moment just letting it sync. " it would easier to be mad at him is the answer was no, but it's not."
"So then you know what to do then right". Cynthia said. When I didn't respond she said: "you put on your big girl pants and you go and talk to that man!!". She yells in my ear.

"I know that, but right now I want to have fun, is that ok with you mom. I want to forget just for a little that I was at home dressed up feeling pretty for someone that didn't even care enough to call me and tell me that they were going to be late." " I felt like a teenager getting stood up on prom night," I said in like literally one breath.

After I calmed me myself down, I continued " I think I'm allowed to be angry just this once, ok. So can we please just go out I don't want to waste this outfit on nothing".

She was quiet for a beat and replied " I'll be there in 45 minutes"

" thank you, love you, sis," I say hanging up.

After I finish a few little touch ups on my hair I'm ready to go.

I grab my purse and open the bedroom to see Damian sitting right in front of the door with his head against the wall, his legs cocked up on the wall. As the door closes he wakes up and is quickly on his feet. He wipes the sleep from his eyes and takes in my appearance, noticing that I am dressed.

"Where are you going". He asked still groggy from his nap.

"I'm going out with Cynthia" I may be mad at him but He is still my boyfriend and I love him.

"Are we going to talk?". He asks with confusion written across his face.

"No, not right now. I really don't want to talk to you right now, so later".

"Are you coming back". He asked with uncertainty in his voice.

I hate that he feels like that right now but I'm sure we both need some place and time to clear our heads.

"Yes, I'm going to come back, I'm always going to come back, ok," I reassure while places my hands on both sides of his face.

"Ok" was all he said, but I saw the tension literally leave his body say the words left my mouth.

I stepped closer and placed a soft and gentle kiss to his lips. It was so hard not to deepen especially when his breath smells fresh mint, it's just so.... inviting. I leaned back trying to pull away before we got carried away, but he wasn't having it.

He was now holding me by my waist. When I don't open my mouth to let him in he pushes me up on the wall, the shock from that made me gasp and when I did that he made his move. His skilled tongue moved around my mouth like he owned it.

I tried to push against his chest, but it was half-hearted, he knew he had me at his mercy, at least for right now anyway.

I tried to push against his chest, but it was half-hearted, he knew he had me at his mercy, at least for right now anyway

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Sorry for not updating. I never really thought I was any good but I don't want to be that author that doesn't finish their book.

Author's note: It's just revisions but a new chapter is coming soon.

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