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I see my mystery man making his way toward me, and I can't help but get a little excited. Don't get me wrong, I love Damon, but when was the last time he showed me any kind of attention. It just feels good to have a little male attention.

I work just as much as he does, but I also know what my priorities are and I make time for them.

Now he seems to have found the time, being that he has not stopped calling and texting since I left the loft. I leave them with no response too. Good for you, I'll you sweat a little longer.

I turn back toward the bar sipping my delicious drink and mentally prepare for this inevitable conversation. Do I want to shoot him down automatically or have a little fun before putting it to an end?

Why not have a little fun before heading home to nothing but sexual tension and angst. I pull myself out of my head just as tall dark and handsome reaches my seat at the bar.

I smell him before I smell him before I see him. one can say that I have a thing for good-smelling men. Damon smells incredible, one of the many things about him that just drives me crazy. its a perfect balance of masculine and I light airy wood smell that just makes me feel so secure and safe when I'm with him.

No offense to this fine man here but he just smelled of too much cologne.

He clears his throat to get my attention. I feel his warmth heating my back. I slowly swivel the barstool around to meet my suitor.

"Good evening, I was at the other end of the bar and I just happen to notice a beautiful being like yourself sitting here alone, would you mind if I joined you?" My mystery man says with a smile.

"And who says I'm here alone?" I sass, deciding to play with him a little.

He looks around for my male companion but grins when he doesn't find one. "My apologies for overstepping, but I know that if you were my girl, I would never leave you alone looking the way you do." Mr. No name says with an unwavering smile.

The complement does not go unappreciated. My cheeks get a little rosy but its nothing too noticeable.

"Guess my boyfriend can learn a little from you then couldn't he?" I say wanting him to know that I wasn't single.

He seems to dampen at the revelation, but not completely uninterested. "The good ones are always taken aren't they, well can we settle for a friendly dance them." He extends his hand with an air of confidence surrounding him.

" I don't even know your name, what makes you think I would want to dance?" I respond wanting to rattle some of that confidence he has about him.

"Beautiful, if you wanted to know my name all you had to do is ask." He says which has us both chuckling lightheartedly. " My name Malik Hendricks, and who would I have the pleasure of speaking too?" He says reaching his hand out to greet me.

"Nicole Blake," I say extending my hand to meet his and to my surprise, he doesn't just shake my hand but brings it to his lips for a kiss.

" Now that we have gotten the formalities out of the way may I have his dance," he asked still loosely holding my hand in his, still allowing me to pull away from his hold.

Before I can answer my phone starts buzzing in my bag, which startles us both from our conversation. I have no doubt that its Damon asking where I am or other questions about what I'm doing. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of ruining my night before it even starts. I already know that I have to deal with him when I get home, I am not dealing with it now too.

Malik looks at he puzzled as to why I am ignoring the violently vibrating phone, the confusion is written across his face. Only to replaced with a realization about who the mystery caller might be.

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