Chapter Two

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Anna and I follow the security guard through the nearest door. He points up a set of metal stairs and we take them, my heart constricting with every step closer.

I'm only half listening as Anna oohs and awws at what she's seeing. To the right is an ornate white table, filled with delicious food. There's another table next to it solely for desserts. Next to that, is what looks like an open bar. The room is loaded with several different couches and sitting areas, where people that I know for a fact I've seen on magazine covers are milling around, drinking, or talking.

Anna gasps low and squeeze my hand. "Oh. My. God. It's Jimmy freaking Amsterdam."

My head snaps up, and to the right I recognize the bright blue mohawk and tattoo sleeves of Jimmy Amsterdam, lead guitarist for one of our favorite bands, The Twisted Window. If I wasn't so nervous, I'd be in awe just like her. But I can't relax. My stomach rumbles and I feel like I'm going to be sick. My feet are like stone, hardening with each step and dragging against the ground. The room spins and I shake my head to level the spinning floor.

"Are you okay?" Anna whispers, clutching my wrist. Her light eyes narrow at me. I can tell she's confused, not sure what my deal is.

I force a smile and follow her dutifully.

We pass through another door that leads to another lounge like the one before it. This one has more couches and more food and drinks.

"There!" Anna squeals. If she's trying to whisper, she fails. She practically shouts the word. It's loud enough for most of the people in the room to turn and stare at us.

I follow Anna's gaze to a black leather couch on the far corner of the room. The moment I lay eyes on them, I recognize the members of Darkness Within. My eyes slide over the bass player, the lead guitarist, and the lead singer who have all stopped talking to stare. There is only one head on the couch that hasn't turned to look. He is still, staring straight ahead.

But he doesn't need to turn.

I'd recognize his messy brown locks and the back of his head, anywhere. After all, I'd spent half of my life staring after it.

Bile rises in my throat. I'm sure right then and there that if he does turn, I'll throw up.

Why did I let Anna drag me here?

Why didn't I just say no?

It would have been easy. But when it comes to Shane, nothing is easy. 

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