Chapter Eight

485 31 17

7 Years ago


"Be mine, forever." Shane weaves his hands through mine and I stir from sleep, still groggy.

I must have fallen asleep while we watched his favorite 90's movie, The Goonies. The television screen sits there unchanging, the screen a bright blue light in the otherwise dark room of his. A moth flutters against the screen.

I lean back against Shane. He's so warm. He's got one arm underneath me and another draped over me and they're clasped together underneath my shirt, against my stomach. The heat of his touch seeps into my skin and I wish I could freeze this moment, freeze his warmth, this happiness in place for the rest of my life.

"You are so beautiful," Shane murmurs. He sounds sleepy too. Apparently I'm not the only one who fell asleep. He pulls me closer to him and presses into me. He nudges my neck with his nose, leaving a trail of kisses until he reaches my neck. "You have the softest skin in the world."

I turn, resting my forehead against his chin. I run my fingers through his hair and pull him down for a slow, soft kiss. 

"I had a good night with you," I say. And I mean it. To celebrate unofficially the one year anniversary of our first kiss, we planned a night in, eating Sour Patch Kids and popcorn while we watched his favorite movie and cuddled on his bed.

The Avery household is normally loud, full of all of Shane's brothers and sisters coming and going, with zero privacy. But tonight is one of those rare quiet nights where all of the Avery kids have plans. Shane's twin sister Taylor, my best friend, has a date with Jimmy St. Clair. Shane's three older brothers Nicholas, Matt, and Joaquin are at the movies watching some action flick. And Lana, the baby of the family is sleeping over at her best friend's house. Shane's parents have a completely different parenting style than mine. They leave us alone—trust us to be responsible.

Shane smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.  "I always have a good night with you."

Suddenly I become very aware of how very still and quiet the house is. There isn't a sound, isn't a creak. I can hear the clock ticking in the hall. Which only means one's late. Really late.

I sit up. "What time is it?"

Shane checks his phone and swears. "We have to get you home."

My parents are perma-paranoid, constantly worried about something happening to me. I don't know if it's because I'm an only child or because I just have two worry-wart parents who feed off of each other's concerns. I have a strict 11:30 pm curfew and I've never missed it. I didn't want the punishment, not when I wanted every waking moment with Shane.

Shane holds out his phone and it confirms my fear. It's past 1 am. I am so, so dead.

I spring up from the couch and pick up my purse, fishing out my phone. I'd set it on vibrate. Thirty missed calls. I groan. I shoot off a quick text to my parents that I'm okay, that we'd simply made a mistake falling asleep, and I'm on my way home.

"Bye," I say and I head to the door.

"Wait up," Shane says. He shrugs into a black sweatshirt with one of his favorite bands Led Zeppelin, plastered across the front. "Where are you going without me?"

"Home," I say, crossing back to him for a quick peck. If I walk quickly it'll only take me a few minutes to get home. "I'm going to get reamed. Better to face it sooner or later."

Shane wraps his hand in mine. "I'm walking you home."

I shake my head. "You don't want to do that. My parents are pissed. They're going to take it out on you if you come along." If there's one thing they love more than worrying, it's showmanship when they're upset. I'm in for quite the event.

Shane nods. "That's fine with me. They can yell at me all they want. But I'm not sorry. I had a great time with you." His jaw works. He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. "I want to be where you are."

I tilt my head up and he kisses me. Then he swallows. Suddenly he looks nervous. Shane doesn't get nervous. And suddenly I feel very, very afraid of whatever he's going to say.

"I need to tell you something."

"Now? I have to go, Shane." But in my head it's another story. I plead with him silently. I beg him. We had such a good night. Please don't break up with me.

He bites his lip, then speaks. "I love you, Cameron Azalea Weber. I love you with my entire heart and soul and I want you forever. Marry me."

He loves me. My heart is dancing. My head is dancing. My entire soul is dancing. Shane loves me. He's finally said what I've felt for years, since forever. He can have any girl that he wants, but he wants me. Only me. He wants to marry me. We're too young for that and I know it—we haven't even graduated high school yet. But I already know my answer. Yes. I want to marry him.

I stare into his light blue eyes. His dark hair falls into them and he tilts his head slightly to brush his hair out of his eyes. His gaze search my face for something. What? He doesn't speak. I realize that he's waiting nervously for my response. If only he knew how long I've loved him. I've loved him since the first time I saw him.

I say the words that I've wanted to tell him for years. "I love you too."

He smiles and exhales. He doesn't look nervous anymore. Instead, he looks happy. He's glowing. "I mean it. I want to marry you. I'm gonna marry day. I swear it."

I nod my head. "I want to marry you too."

He pulls down his sweatshirt and moves my hand to his chest. I can feel his heart pounding.

My heart leaps in response and I mirror his movements. I move his hand to my chest, just above my breasts, so he can feels my heart leaping with joy—dancing happily within me.

My cheeks burn as visions of our future life flash before my eyes. Our wedding day. Our wedding night. Shane as my husband. Our future babies. Growing old together. Our happily ever after. I know we can have that. And I want that desperately—to grow old together. And not with just anyone. With Shane. My Shane.

He moves his hand off of my chest and slips off the small silver ring that he's always worn on his finger. It once belonged to his grandfather. He never takes it off.

He stares at it, then at me. "I know it's not nice, not what you deserve, but I promise that one day I'll get you a real one. A nice one."

I stare at the ring as he slips it on my finger. His fingers are bigger than mine, so it doesn't fit on my ring finger. It fits better on my pointer finger but it doesn't matter. It's perfect. I don't need or want a new ring, ever. This is perfect. This ring, given to me with such heart and love and good intentions is more than enough to stay with me forever.

I throw my arms around his neck, kissing him hard and sweet, like forever isn't long enough.

"You're my forever, Cam," Shane whispers in my ear. He pulls back and smiles. "But for now, let's get you home." He grabs his leather jacket and drapes it around my shoulders. We walk out of his room, his warm hand in mine.

I want his love—this happiness—I want Shane forever and always.

I swear at that moment as we tiptoe silently down the stairs in his house, I will never ever let anything come between us. A love like this is once in a lifetime.

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