Chapter Seven

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Present day

Saguaro Music Festival

It's 3 AM by the time I stumble back to the car camping lot where Anna and I are staying during the festival. I'm buzzed—that Vodka tent dance dome was lit—but now I just feel tired and hungry. I'd kill for some In-N-Out about now.

The earth is warm from the heat of the day but a soft, cool breeze blows my hair that's been plastered to my neck from the dancing and sweat from last night in the dome, trying to forget the unforgettable Shane.

My phone's been off and I can only imagine how pissed Anna is going to be at me for disappearing but hopefully she'll be too over-the-moon about meeting her favorite band to hold a grudge. I need to tell her, sooner or later, but there's so much to say and that wound in my heart still feels so raw. 

The accident that marred my flesh and killed my best friend was seven years ago but it still feels like yesterday.

I stumble to row BB, where a large sun tent is set up against Anna's bright green VW bug. We've hung tie dye sheets for privacy and to make a large tent-like room.

I open the flap and duck inside. Anna is there, her dark hair is fanned out over her pillow and she's snoring peacefully. A part of me wants to wake her up now and apologize, but I don't.

Instead, jeans and all, I crawl into my electric blue sleeping bag next to Anna and turn away from her. I fish my phone out of my back pocket and I power it on. The glow from my screen lights the tent, sending a moth flitting to it, then off into the night.

My phone wallpaper loads and I stare at my phone, waiting to my notifications to start coming through. Instantly, my phone lights up like a Christmas tree with all the missed calls and texts.

Ten texts from Anna pull through.

What's a matter with you? Why'd you just run off?

Come back, the band is super nice and they want to meet you.


Cam, seriously where did you go?

I'm checking the tent. You'd better be there.

Okay you're not at the tent and I'm worried. Wtf?!?

Cam, would you please answer your phone?! What is your deal?

Are you mad at me?

Okay, whatever if you want to give me the silent treatment but just let me know you're okay.

I've looked everywhere I can think of. I'm going to bed.

My throat runs dry at the eleventh message that chimes through.

Cam, it's Shane. Anna gave me your number, hope that's okay. I want to talk to you. Please.

I hold the phone to my chest and let out a deep breath.

Shane wants to talk...a reunion. Something I've yearned for and dreaded for a long time.

Shane wants to reunite.

The question is, do I?

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