Chapter Four

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  Saguaro Music Festival - Backstage 

Before I can stop her, Anna rushes over to the band, her dark brown ponytail swaying eagerly behind her. I'm frozen, wondering if there's still time to run far, far away.

Shane turns and stands. His bright blue eyes pierce me from a distance. They're more electric than I remember and my breath hitches when they connect with mine. He's frozen, unmoving, only his gaze following me. I can't read his expression.

His eyes fall to my right cheek, right to a cherry red scar that mars my face from my eye all the way down my neck, dipping below my shirt—a scar that he put there years ago. His mouth falls open when he sees it but he remains silent. My gut wrenches and I want to run, to hide my face and the scar that I'm forever very aware of—that everyone who looks at me is very aware of.

"You guys are my favorite band in the whole world. Thank you so much for the invite," Anna says. She moves down the line, shaking hands with each member: Blaze, Rowan, Mitch, Axl, and Shane.

When she's done, Anna realizes that I'm not at her side. She turns back, confused. But she's not the only one who feels lost.

I'm a tornado of emotion and all at once I feel a powerful storm inside, threatening to tear me apart. Sadness. Anger. Frustration. Concern. Fear. I can't decide if I want to run over to Shane and slap him or pull him against me until our lips touch.

I beg my legs to move toward them—all of them are looking at me now—but they won't obey Anna's orders and waves to come over.

As if they have a mind of their own, I find myself moving backwards, quickly at first, then before I know it I'm running—through the lounge, down the hallway, down the metal staircase, and through the festival crowd. Running and sobbing, sobbing and running.

And I don't stop until I'm far, far away.

Shane: an Avery brother novelWhere stories live. Discover now