Sans X Shy Reader: Under The Mistletoe

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     It was Christmas Morning! You woke up, eager to go with Toriel to the Skelebros' house. You had always loved gatherings at their house. Often, you'd hang out with Alphys (unless Undyne approached, in which case you stalked away, making an excuse, usually ending in a nervous thanks from the lizard herself) and talk about anime and stuff.

     "Frisk! Wake up!" you shouted to wake up your roommate. They sat up and rubbed their eyes. "Hmm?" they sounded. "It's.... Christmas at the S-Skelebros' house."

     Frisk stood up and shouted, dragging you enthusiastically out the door and to Toriel. 

     Frisk tapped Toriel on the shoulder, who turned with a small "Yes, my children?" and smiled, a large gift in her hands. Frisk's jaw dropped while you smiled in the excitement of Christmas Day. Though you never smiled much, Christmas (and Halloween) were the only days you ever smiled, unless you were with your crush, who shall be discussed in later predicaments...

     "It is for the both of you, dearies!" Toriel giggled, her face brightening as Frisk motioned outside. "No, I'm afraid not yet, dearest! Let us celebrate here, first!" she grinned. Frisk slumped over slightly, sneaking a smug grin at you, then after a small moment, jumping up and signing I get to open it! You sighed and nodded towards the younger child.

     Frisk had always been like a younger sibling to you, even though they had fallen first, and hyou had only been here for a good two years, you had for about four.

     Anyways, Frisk opened the first present from Toriel, which ended up being two matching sweaters, (color of choice) with (color of choice) stripes. Frisk had immediately ran to put it on, while you embraced the warmth of the sweater affectionately. It was wool, but it had been cured and sewed together so it was extremely soft.

     Frisk came out, showing off the quite magnificent (color) sweater. Toriel giggled and applauded, while you nodded and threw a thumbs up. Frisk dramatically signed I am sooo fabulous~! in mock of Mettaton. "The drama fills me with DETERMINATION," you joked and Frisk scoffed sarcastically. 

     After you had opened all the presents and given Toriel her present (a beautiful red heart locket, ending in her shedding a tear), you all headed towards the Skelebros' house. You knocked on the door as Frisk ran circles around you. Waiting a few torturing seconds, you were greeted by an overly enthusiastic Papyrus.

     "HELLO- FRISK!" Papyrus shouted as he saw you then was ran into by Frisk. "TORIEL! (Y/N)!" he laughed. "BE CAREFUL, THERE'S A MISTLETOE IN THE KITCHEN, AND TRUST ME, YOU DON'T WANT TO GET CAUGHT UNDER IT!" he said, motioning towards the archway of their kitchen, though you noticed that Sans wasn't going under it, but traveling to the other side through "special abilities." 

     You walked in, shyly smiling at Papyrus and searching around for... that person. You saw him sitting on the couch, asleep. Quickly, you look for something else to look at. Finally, you see Alphys, you walk over and sit by her, immediately engaging on a conversation about the downfalls of Mew Mew Kissy-Cutie 2.

     Soon, you got hungry, and asked nervously if there was any food. Sans grunted and Papyrus pointed to the kitchen. Nope. Nope, nope, nope, and nope. Not going there. You could wait a little.

     Undyne had arrived (even at the cost of having to go put her spear away), busting the door open in the process. "OH NO!! UNDYNE!! THAT'S THE FIFTH DOOR THIS WEEK!!" Papyrus screeched. Everyone erupted in laughter, including you and Alphys.

     When everyone had calmed down, everyone sat down and got ready to open presents. Frisk was the first to open, being the youngest, and dropped their jaw when they saw their favorite movie from the Surface. They opened the rest, then it was Papyrus's turn (you had gotten him a handbook on how to cook edible food.) He got a lot of things about cooking.

     Then it was your turn. You got a pair of headphones from Frisk, a plate of spaghetti from Paps, your favorite manga from Alphys, a... spear...? From Undyne. A magazine from Mettaton (which you later tossed out, since it was a MTT-brand), but nothing from Sans, sadly. He had gotten everyone else something, but you. You felt slightly heart-broken.

     Everyone opened their presents, leaving wrapping paper strewn across the floor. Slightly upset, yet excited with your other presents, you got up to clean the mess up. But, the trash can was in the kitchen. A handful of paper in your arms, you considered this consequence. Undyne came and helped, but then realized she was under the mistletoe.

     Alphys soon joined her, and they kissed. You shipped it so hard!! Alphys had ended up turning so red she could've competed with Papyrus's magnificent cape. After Undyne strutted away, you gave Alphys a gleeful hug and she laughed giddily. 

     Now, you wanted to avoid the mistletoe more, since it was only a 14% chance you'd get Sans, but your stomach rumbled louder. "Uh, c-could someone p-please g-get s-some food...? I'm a b-bit h-hungry..." you asked. Mettaton laughed and led Papyrus to the kitchen (earning a look from Sans) and did their business and brought some food out (kissing yet again, leaving a red-faced Papyrus).

     You gladly ate some spaghetti rolls- which were only spaghetti noodles wrapped up in little balls. They weren't the most flavorful, but they still filled you up.

     After that, you, being so forgetful, walked to the kitchen to wash your hands. You were interrupted by Mettaton. "Ahem~! (Y/N), darling~! Look up~!"

     You looked up. A tiny green plant was hanging above your head. "Oh n-no," you said. You huffed and sat down, since it was a rule that if no one was with you, you had to wait.


     You waited for quite a while. Everyone was eating cake, except Sans. He was looking around casually, every other moment catching your eye. He, too had forgotten. He heaved himself off the couch and you felt yourself get a little giddy.

     "uh, (y/n)? you okay?" he asked you. Then Mettaton cleared his/her throat and pointed up. You laughed shyly and ground your foot to the ground, but was stopped by Sans. He grabbed your jaw and made you look up into his eyes. "finally," is all he said. Then he pulled you closer to him and pressed his teeth gently against your lips, causing you to squeal slightly. It was like heaven. You never wanted it to end.

     Then as soon as you both let go, still staring awkwardly looking into each others' eyes, it went silent. Of course, it was Mettaton who stopped the silence. "FINALLY~! I'm certain that was everyone's OTP~! You two were almost as bad as Alphyne~!" Alphys and Undyne both blushed at their ship name.

     Sans pulled you closer and brushed a hair out of your face. "(y/n)? won't you do me the pleasure of being my bonefriend?" he whispered. You laughed and nodded, hugging him happily.

     And so it became a tradition, every Christmas, you and Sans would stand under the mistletoe, whether alone or not, and kiss, laughing in remembrance of your first kiss.

[A/N]: Ah! Finally! I actually like this! Please, give me some requests down below of what character you want me to do and what the scenario is. I just did this as a start because I love these mistletoe oneshots! Thank you!!!!!!!

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