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"Michael?" You called out into the darkness, you began to shuffle around a bit on the floor in a hope to find him.

You call out a few more times before deciding to give up, slumping against the wall and waiting in the darkness for the others to jump.

Finally Harry landed next, he looked a bit disorientated so you got up to steady him.

"Where's Michael?" He whispered as your heart drops, you hoped that Harry would have known.

"I-I don't know, why isn't he here?" You began to panic.

"Oh god what if he's-"

"He'll be fine, he's tough okay y/n. You have to trust me that he's okay, you jumped when I said to trust me about down here."

"You pushed me." You muttered as he sighed.

"Not the point, he's okay." Harry reassured you as you shook your head.

"How do you know?" You grumbled.

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