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"Where are you taking us?" You call to the driver over the wind, he doesn't reply and one of his men on the truck tells you to be quiet.

You sigh and sit back next to Harry who's looking out at the baron land. You bite your tongue and wait for an explanation as to where you're going, you drive closer to the city and eventually go past it making you confused.

You head towards a patch of greenery which looks like a dense forest. The truck slowly comes to a stop on the edge of the forest.

"This is as far as we're taking you, it's one of the safest parts of the Badlands." The driver finally says and you nod.

"What about the city we went past?" You question.

"It might be safe, never been in so wouldn't know." The driver shrugged. "Look you seem like fairly good people, compared to some. You also look like complete idiots trying to cross the badlands on foot." He laughed. "Anyway I hope that wherever you're going makes you happy."

You smiled knowing that these were some of the nicer people out here. You'd never got a full look at the driver before, he was very tanned with dirty blonde curly hair and a dusting of stubble.

"Thanks." Harry nodded to him and he nodded back, before you began to get off the back of the truck.

"Good luck! Oh and don't walk in the Badlands at night!" He called out as the truck backed away and sped off, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake.

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